This directory gives the configuration for the Karma test runner. Karma runs the Jasmine tests defined in the privly-applications module on browsers you have defined locally or on Sauce labs.
You need to have node installed.
Once you have node installed, you should install the Karma command line interface from the directory where this README is located:
npm install -g karma-cli && npm install
This will install the necessary node modules to the current directory.
The Karma configuration has a default test set, but it is possible to add your own tests by defining a CSV of test files as an environment variable. For example, if you want to test a file in the Fu application named bar.js, you would type this before running your tests:
export FILES_TO_TEST="Fu/js/bar.js,Fu/test/bar.js"
This will tell the Karma config to load the bar.js file into the testing iframe and then run the tests defined by the bar.js testing script.
In each browser Karma creates a set of iframes that run your tests in parallel.
There are two ways to run your tests. If you run the tests locally, your local browsers will be opened. This allows you to edit your local source files, which will be run against their tests every time the file is saved.
To run karma locally you should add anything you want to test as an environmental variable (see above) then issue the command found below from this directory.
karma start
Firefox should open and run your tests every time you save them. If you want different browsers to run, you can specify them in CSVs:
karma start --browsers Firefox,Chrome,Safari
SauceLabs is a browser virtualization service that allows for simultaneous tests across a variety of platforms and browsers. When tests run on Sauce they are usually run from the TravisCI server, but you can also hook your local dev environment into SauceLabs by first associating your machine with Sauce Labs (see below), then issuing:
Firefox should open and run your tests every time you save them. If you want different browsers to run, you can specify them in CSVs:
karma start karma.conf-ci.js --sauce-browsers=Firefox,Chrome,Safari
For more details on how this was setup, see SauceLab's tutorial. There is different syntax for selecting browsers because the default syntax breaks the ability to run tests on SauceLabs.
If you want your tests to run on the Continuous Integration server, you should appropriately edit the file to include your test set.
This directory contains the script
that will run all the test sets it defines.
You can tell run_each to open a particular set of browsers by exporting an environment variable first:
export BROWSERS_TO_TEST=Firefox,Chrome,Safari ./ [karma config file]
The Karma config variable defaults to running karma.conf.js which runs the tests locally.
Privly has several test types serving different purposes. This directory is aimed at unit testing, which means you should strive to isolate individual functions and test their functionality and assumptions.
Other test types include:
- Integration tests: makes sure Privly injects properly
- Content server tests: makes sure the content server functions properly
- Application tests: makes sure the whole applications are functioning properly
For more information, you can read about the complete overview of Privly testing.
Assuming you have gotten Karma running as directed earlier in this README,
you can now write your first test. Open the test file for the shared script
that handles grabbing parameters from the URL, shared/test/parameters.js
and start Karma with:
karma start
If you get a message about tests passing and failing you are ready to add your first test.
Edit the parameters test file you opened earlier. First add the following
inside the describe
it("Doesn't fail", function() {
Then save the file. Now you should see the tests re-run, with one more passing test. If that worked, you should try to purposefully make a test fail.
Try adding:
it("Fails", function() {
If that worked, it is time to learn the Jasmine syntax these tests are written in.
You should read through the Jasmine docs to learn how to write Jasmine tests. It is a quick read and it will be very useful for writing good tests.
Generally Jasmine assumes you are running the tests inside a Headless browser (Scripts without HTML), which means you cannot assume your Javascript will run in the context of its HTML. Good tests will write "fixtures" so they don't have to run in the context of HTML, but the legacy of Privly tests currently assumes the presence of the DOM. This is why most of the current tests load their applications using the HTML2JS plugin for Karma. New tests should not use the HTML2JS module to create fixtures, but you should instead write your code so it either doesn't require page DOM or the tests create the minimal DOM they require before testing their scripts.