This program depends on:
- Download Armadillo library which can be found at
- Download and build OpenBLAS
Once the above steps are completed, set the following environment variables.
export ARMADILLO_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/rnu/libraries/armadillo-6.600.5/include/
export LIB=$LIB:/home/rnu/libraries/openblas/lib:
export INCLUDE=$INCLUDE:/home/rnu/libraries/openblas/include:$ARMADILLO_INCLUDE_DIR:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/rnu/libraries/openblas/lib/:
export NMFLIB_DIR=/ccs/home/ramki/rhea/research/nmflib/
export MKLROOT=/ccs/compilers/intel/rh6-x86_64/16.0.0/mkl/
If you have got MKL, please source before running make/cmake
CC=CC CXX=CC cmake ~/nmflibrary/distnmf/ -DCMAKE_IGNORE_MKL=1
We are using NVBLAS to offload computations to GPU. By default we enable building with cuda in Titan. The sample configurations files for nvblas can be found at conf/nvblas_cuda75.conf and conf/nvblas_cuda91.conf for CUDA Toolkit 7.5 and 9.1 respectively.
CC=CC CXX=CC cmake ~/nmflibrary/distnmf/ -DCMAKE_IGNORE_MKL=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_CUDA=1
- Module swap PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu
- Module load cmake3
- Module load cudatoolkit
- mkdir /lustre/atlas/world-shared/csc209/ramki/titan/planc-build
- CC=CC CXX=CC cmake ~/planc-github/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/lustre/atlas/world-shared/csc209/ramki/titan/planc/
- Make
- Make install
- Cd /lustre/atlas/world-shared/csc209/ramki/titan/planc/bin
- Copied planc-github/conf/nvblas91.conf nvblas.conf
- ldd dense_disntf to get the path and set the NVBLAS_CPU_BLAS_LIB
- Run the experiment
CMAKE macros
For sparse NMF - cmake -DBUILD_SPARSE=1 - Default dense build For timing with barrier after mpi calls - cmake -DCMAKE_WITH_BARRIER_TIMING - Default with barrier timing For performance, disable the WITH__BARRIER__TIMING. Run as "cmake -DCMAKE_WITH_BARRIER_TIMING:BOOL=OFF" For building cuda - -DCMAKE_BUILD_CUDA=1 - Default is off.
Code level macros - Defined in distutils.h
MPI_VERBOSE - Be doubly sure about what you do. It prints all intermediary matrices. Try this only for very very small matrix that is of size less than 10. WRITE_RAND_INPUT - for dumping the generated random matrix
For W matrix row major ordering. That is., W_0, W_1, .., W_p For H matrix column major ordering. That is., for 6 processes with pr=3, pc=2, interpret as H_0, H_2, H_4, H_1, H_3, H_5
mpirun -np 16 ./distnmf -a [0/1/2/3] -i rand_[lowrank/uniform] -d "rows cols" -p "pr pc" -r "W_l2 W_l1 H_l2 H_l0" -k 20 -t 20 -e 1
If you are using this MPI implementation, kindly cite.
Ramakrishnan Kannan, Grey Ballard, and Haesun Park. 2016. A high-performance parallel algorithm for nonnegative matrix factorization. In Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 9 , 11 pages. DOI: