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Babelfish Unit Test Framework

Babelfish has introduced a new extension named babelfishpg_unit which enables us to run unit tests. Please follow the build instructions to build and install the babelfishpg_unit extension.

To maintain a well-organized structure, the directory layout will be as follows:

  • babelfish_extensions
    • contrib
      • babelfishpg_common
      • babelfishpg_money
      • babelfishpg_tsql
      • babelfishpg_tds
      • babelfishpg_unit
        • Makefile
        • babelfishpg_unit.control
        • babelfishpg_unit--1.0.0.sql
        • babelfishpg_unit.c
        • babelfishpg_unit.h
        • test_1.c
        • test_2.c

How to add unit tests for babelfish?

  • To add a new test to the existing framework, within the framework's directory, create a new .c file and name it according to the test we want to add (e.g., test_1.c). Add the function in the file which is to be tested.
    • Declare the function you want to test as extern in babelfishpg_unit.h. Eg:

      extern TestResult* test_int4_fixeddecimal_ge(void)
    • Metadata for each test function is added as a row in the tests array, containing the necessary information for the test. This tests array is located in babelfishpg_unit.c. Eg:

      TestInfo tests[]=
          {&test_int4_fixeddecimal_ge, true, "GreaterThanOrEqualToCheck_INT4_FIXEDDECIMAL", "babelfish_money_datatype"},
    • Return type of all functions which are to be tested must be TestInfo*.

    • Every function should have some expected and obtained output. One should use TEST_ASSERT_TESTCASE(expected == obtained, testResult) first and then TEST_ASSERT(expected == obtained, testResult) to obtain the status of a test. In the TEST_ASSERT_TESTCASE marco, we only set the result field of TestResult struct to true/false based on result. In TEST_ASSERT, we decide whether all the tests have passed or not. Eg:

      TestResult* test_int4_fixeddecimal_ge(void)
              * This function checks whether val1 is greater than or equal to val2 or not.
              int val1[] = {1522, -100, 5, 0, -856, 0};
              int val2[] = {982, 200, 0, -24, -567, 0};
              int numValues = sizeof(val1) / sizeof(val1[0]);
              TestResult* testResult = palloc0(sizeof(TestResult));
              testResult->result = true;
              for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++) 
                  bool expected = (val1[i] >= val2[i]);
                  Datum temp = DirectFunctionCall2(int4_fixeddecimal_ge, Int32GetDatum(val1[i]), Int32GetDatum(val2[i]));
                  bool obtained = DatumGetBool(temp);  
                  TEST_ASSERT_TESTCASE(expected == obtained, testResult);
              TEST_ASSERT(expected == obtained, testResult);
              return testResult;
    • If you want to put any custom message for any test in the output table, use :

      • snprintf(testResult->message, MAX_TEST_MESSAGE_LENGTH, "%s", errorData->message);
      • This will fill the message column with expected message. When the tests are run, if the condition is met, then you will observe the same message corresponding to that text.
    • If there is any ASSERTION error and TEST_ASSERT_TESTCASE and TEST_ASSERT macros are used to check the condition, then message column will be filled with the error message providing the line where the assertion failed.