Named exports should not use the name annotation if it is redundant to the name that would be generated by the export name (no-redundant-story-name)
Included in these configurations:
- csf
- recommended
Storybook automatically resolves a story name based on its named export. You can rename any particular story you'd like, but if the name is redundant to what Storybook will resolve, you don't need to do that.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
export const PrimaryButton = {
// no need for this, as Storybook will resolve to this name already
name: 'Primary Button',
Examples of correct code for this rule:
export const PrimaryButton = {
name: 'I am the primary',
When you set a custom name for a story, it will make sure that the resolved story name will always be that same name, regardless if you rename the export later on. If that is your reason to keep story names set even if they are redundant, you should turn this rule off.