My personal build of dotfiles using i3. Color palette is based on the Atom One Dark colorscheme. This configuration also works on dual monitors.
Program | Name |
Window Manager | i3-gaps |
Terminal Emulator | Kitty |
Bar | Polybar |
Application Launcher | Rofi |
Notification Daemon | Dunst |
Display Manager | SDDM |
Display Manager Theme | SDDM-Astronaut-Theme |
Lockscreen | BetterLockscreen |
Compositor | Picom |
Shell | Zsh |
Shell Framework | Oh-My-Zsh |
Music Player | mpd, ncmpcpp |
Text Editor | Visual Studio Code, Neovim |
VSC Colorscheme | One Dark Pro |
Neovim Theme | AstroVim |
GTK Theme | Ant (Dracula) |
Icons | Papirus Dark |
Discord Theme | Custom |
- Base: base-devel wget curl git gcc make acpi light pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa alsa-utils pacman-contrib mpc
- WM/X11: i3-gaps i3blocks i3lock-color xorg xorg-xinit xorg-server
- Lockscreen: i3lock-color betterlockscreen feh imagemagick
- Programs: kitty rofi dunst (with libnotify) ranger ncmpcpp mpd polybar papirus-icon-theme btop sddm (with qt5 qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-svg) zsh (with oh-my-zsh) picom cava code neovim
- Screenshots: xclip scrot ffcast slop
- Emoji Fonts: noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra noto-fonts-cjk
- Icons: Feather
- Interface Font: Open Sans
- Monospace Font: Roboto Mono
- Polybar Font: Iosevka Nerd Font
It's recommended to install the dependencies manually, but if you have any issues with the manual installation, or just want to save time, use the installation script.
Clone this repository
git clone -b v2 --depth 1
Install an AUR helper (for example, yay in $HOME/.srcs)
mkdir -p $HOME/.srcs git clone $HOME/.srcs/yay (cd $HOME/.srcs/yay/ && makepkg -si )
Install packages (see Dependencies)
Make Light executable
sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/light
Copy the files (Config folder to
, scripts folder to/usr/local/bin
fonts to/usr/share/fonts/
, wallpaper to$HOME/Pictures/wallpapers
etc.) -
Install Oh-My-Zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Set Zsh as the default shell
chsh -s /bin/zsh #user sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh #root
Install AstroVim
git clone --depth 10 $HOME/.config/nvim nvim +PackerSync
Install GTK Theme
git clone sudo mv ./ant /usr/share/themes
Install SDDM Astronaut Theme
sudo git clone sudo cp -fdr sddm-astronaut-theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/ sudo cp /usr/share/sddm/themes/sddm-astronaut-theme/Fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/
echo "[Theme] Current=sddm-astronaut-theme" | sudo tee /etc/sddm.conf
Clone the repository
git clone -b v2 --depth 1 cd dotfiles chmod +x ./
- Remove installed packages (see Dependencies)
- Remove the AUR helper ( $HOME/.srcs)
- Uninstall Oh-My-Zsh
- Change the default shell back to bash
chsh -s /bin/bash
sudo chsh -s /bin/bash
- Remove installed fonts ($HOME/.local/share/fonts/ or /usr/share/fonts/)
- Remove installed scripts (/usr/local/bin)
- Remove this repository
These are the basic keybinds. Read through the i3
config for more keybinds.
Keybind | Function |
Win + Enter |
Launch terminal (kitty) |
Win + Shift + Q |
Close window |
Win + Q |
Stacking layout |
Win + W |
Tabbed layout |
Win + E |
Default layout |
Win + A |
Rofi sidebar menu |
Win + S |
Rofi compact menu |
Win + D |
Rofi center menu |
Win + Z |
Rofi bookmarks |
Win + X |
Change theme |
Win + C |
Use screenshot script |
Win + G |
Gaps settings |
Win + V |
Set vertical orientation |
Win + H |
Set horizontal orientation |
Win + I |
Lock screen |
Win + O |
Show polybar |
Win + P |
Hide polybar |
Win + B |
Move workspace to another monitor |
Win + N |
Dual monitor mode |
Win + M |
Single monitor mode |
Win + arrows (jkl;) |
Resizing, moving windows |
Win + Shift + E |
Exit i3 |
Win + Shift + R |
Restart i3 |
Note: Win
refers to the Super/Mod
Color | Hex code |
background | #21222C |
background 2 | #282A36 |
background 3 | #343746 |
foreground | #F8F8F2 |
white | #FFFFFF |
black | #15121C |
red | #f07178 |
green | #c3e88d |
yellow | #ffcb6b |
blue | #82aaff |
purple | #c792ea |
cyan | #89ddff |
pink | #ffa8c5 |
orange | #dd864a |
- Polybar modules not working? : Try changing variables (For example in battery module from BAT1 to BAT0).
- Screen flashing black : Try changing picom config.
- Scripts not working : Maybe try to edit shebang.
- MPD not working : Check if any other program is using port 6600 (
These dotfiles includes some files from others rices. Original sources:
- Totoro for polybar frontend
- Adi1090x for rofi backend
- Alexander-Miller for ncmpcpp config
- Axarva for arch install script
- Ceuk for rofi screenshot script
- Milosz for rofi-bookmarks
- Unnat for wallpaper
Distributed under the GPLv3+ License.