My personal build of dotfiles using i3. Color palette is based on OneDark color scheme. This configuration works also on dual monitors.
Showcase · Info · Dependecies · Installation · Keybinds · Colors · Troubleshooting
More screenshots here
Program | Name |
Window Manager | i3-gaps |
Terminal emullator | kitty |
Bar | polybar |
Application launcher | rofi |
Notifications | dunst |
Login manger | sddm |
Lock screen | betterlockscreen |
Compositor | picom |
Shell | zsh |
Shell theme | oh my zsh |
Music | mpd, ncmpcpp |
Text editor | Visual Studio Code, neovim |
Vsc theme | One Dark Pro |
Neovim theme | AstroVim |
GTK theme | Dracula (ant) |
GTK icons | Papirus |
Discord Theme | My custom theme |
- base: base-devel wget git acpi light pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa alsa-utils pacman-contrib
- wm and X11: i3-gaps i3blocks i3lock xorg xorg-xinit xorg-server
- lockscreen: i3lock betterlockscreen feh imagemagick
- programs: kitty rofi dunst (with libnotify) ranger ncmpcpp mpd polybar papirus-icon-theme btop sddm zsh (with oh-my-zsh) picom cava code neovim
- screenshot script: xclip scrot ffcast slop
- emoji fonts: noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra noto-fonts-cjk
- Icons: Feather
- Main font: Open sans
- Main monospace font: Roboto mono
I recommend manually installing packages and coping files, but if you are lazy or are a productive person who don't want to waste your time, you can try to use arch install script and commands bellow:
- Clone this dotfiles
git clone -b master --depth 1
- Install AUR helper (for example yay in ~/.srcs)
mkdir -p ~/.srcs git clone$HELPER.git ~/.srcs/$HELPER (cd ~/.srcs/$HELPER/ && makepkg -si )
- Install packages (see Dependecies)
- Make light executable
sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/light
- Copy files (config folder to
, fonts to/usr/share/fonts/
, wallpaper to$HOME/Pictures/wallpapers
etc.) - Install oh my zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Set zsh as default shell
chsh -s /bin/zsh sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh
- Install AstroVim
git clone --depth 10 ~/.config/nvim nvim +PackerSync
- Install gtk3 theme
git clone sudo mv ./Ant /usr/share/themes
- Install sddm astronaut theme
sudo git clone /usr/share/ sddm/themes/
- Edit
[Theme] Current=sddm-astronaut-theme
- Install Firefox theme
Clone dotfiles
git clone
cd dotfiles
chmod +x
Install oh my zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Set zsh as default shell
chsh -s /bin/zsh
sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh
Install AstroVim
git clone --depth 10 ~/.config/nvim
nvim +PackerSync
Install gtk3 theme
git clone
sudo mv ./Ant /usr/share/themes
Install sddm astronaut theme
sudo git clone /usr/share/
Edit /etc/sddm.conf
- Remove installed packages (see Dependecies)
- Remove AUR helper ( ~/.srcs)
- Unistall oh my zsh
- Change shell back to bash
chsh -s /bin/bash
sudo chsh -s /bin/bash
- Remove installed fonts (~/.local/share/fonts/ or /usr/share/fonts/)
- Remove installed scripts (/usr/local/bin)
- Delete this repo
These are the basic keybinds. Read through the i3
config for more keybinds.
Keybind | Function |
Win + Enter |
Launch terminal (kitty) |
Win + Shift + Q |
Close window |
Win + Q |
Stacking layout |
Win + W |
Tabbed layout |
Win + E |
Default layout |
Win + A |
Rofi sidebar menu |
Win + S |
Rofi compact menu |
Win + D |
Rofi center menu |
Win + Z |
Rofi bookmarks |
Win + X |
Change theme |
Win + C |
Use screenshot script |
Win + G |
Gaps settings |
Win + V |
Set vertical orientation |
Win + H |
Set horizontal orientation |
Win + arrows (jkl;) |
Resizing, moving windows |
Win + Shift + E |
Exit i3 |
Win + Shift + R |
Restart i3 |
Note: Win
refers to the Super/Mod
Color | Hex code |
background | #21222C |
background 2 | #282A36 |
background 3 | #343746 |
foreground | #F8F8F2 |
white | #FFFFFF |
black | #15121C |
red | #f07178 |
green | #c3e88d |
yellow | #ffcb6b |
blue | #82aaff |
purple | #c792ea |
cyan | #89ddff |
pink | #ffa8c5 |
orange | #dd864a |
- Polybar modules not working : Try changing variables (For example in battery module from BAT1 to BAT0).
- Black flashing screen : Try changing picom config.
- Scripts not working : Maybe try to edit bang.
- Mpd not working : Check if any other program isn't using port 6600 (
These dotfiles includes some files from others rices. Original sources:
- Totoro for polybar frontend
- Adi1090x for rofi backend
- Alexander-Miller for ncmpcpp config
- Axarva for arch install script
- Ceuk for rofi screenshot script
- Milosz for rofi-bookmarks
- Unnat for wallpaper
Distributed under the GPLv3+ License.