This is a 1:1 mapping of the features listed in and their support in TorchScript. The categorizations are as follows:
Section | Status | Note |
1. Introduction | Not Relevant | |
1.1. Alternate Implementations | Not Relevant | |
1.2. Notation | Not Relevant | |
2. Lexical analysis | Not Relevant | |
2.1. Line structure | Not Relevant | |
2.1.1. Logical lines | Not Relevant | |
2.1.2. Physical lines | Supported | |
2.1.3. Comments | Supported | |
2.1.4. Encoding declarations | Not Supported | TorchScript explicitly don't support unicode |
2.1.5. Explicit line joining | Supported | |
2.1.6. Implicit line joining | Supported | |
2.1.7. Blank lines | Supported | |
2.1.8. Indentation | Supported | |
2.1.9. Whitespace between tokens | Not Relevant | |
2.2. Other tokens | Not Relevant | |
2.3. Identifiers and keywords | Supported | |
2.3.1. Keywords | Supported | |
2.3.2. Reserved classes of identifiers | Supported | |
2.4. Literals | Not Relevant | |
2.4.1. String and Bytes literals | Supported | |
2.4.2. String literal concatenation | Supported | |
2.4.3. Formatted string literals | Partially Supported | |
2.4.4. Numeric literals | Supported | |
2.4.5. Integer literals | Supported | |
2.4.6. Floating point literals | Supported | |
2.4.7. Imaginary literals | Not Supported | |
2.5. Operators | Partially Supported | Not supported: << , >> , := |
2.6. Delimiters | Partially Supported | Not supported: **= , <<= , >>= , %= , ^= , @= , &= , //= , % operator for some types (e.g. str ) |
3. Data model | Not Relevant | |
3.1. Objects, values and types | Not Relevant | |
3.2. The standard type hierarchy | Partially Supported | Not supported: NotImplemented, Ellipsis, numbers.Complex, bytes, byte arrays, sets, frozen sets, generators, coroutines, async generators, modules, I/O objects, internal objects, slice objects ( though slicing is supported), classmethod |
3.3. Special method names | Supported | |
3.3.1. Basic customization | Partially Supported | Not supported: __new__ , __del__ , __bytes__ , __format__ , __hash__ , |
3.3.2. Customizing attribute access | Not Supported | | Customizing module attribute access | Not Supported | | Implementing Descriptors | Not Supported | | Invoking Descriptors | Not Supported | | __slots__ | Not Supported | | Notes on using __slots__ | Not Supported | |
3.3.3. Customizing class creation | Not Supported | | Metaclasses | Not Supported | | Resolving MRO entries | Not Supported | super() is not supported | Determining the appropriate metaclass | Not relevant | | Preparing the class namespace | Not relevant | | Executing the class body | Not relevant | | Creating the class object | Not relevant | | Uses for metaclasses | Not relevant | |
3.3.4. Customizing instance and subclass checks | Not Supported | |
3.3.5. Emulating generic types | Not Supported | |
3.3.6. Emulating callable objects | Supported | |
3.3.7. Emulating container types | Partially Supported | Some magic methods not supported (e.g. __iter__ ) |
3.3.8. Emulating numeric types | Partially Supported | Magic methods with swapped operands not supported (__r*__ ) |
3.3.9. With Statement Context Managers | Not Supported | |
3.3.10. Special method lookup | Not relevant | |
3.4. Coroutines | Not Supported | |
3.4.1. Awaitable Objects | Not Supported | |
3.4.2. Coroutine Objects | Not Supported | |
3.4.3. Asynchronous Iterators | Not Supported | |
3.4.4. Asynchronous Context Managers | Not Supported | |
4. Execution model | Not Relevant | |
4.1. Structure of a program | Not Relevant | |
4.2. Naming and binding | Not Relevant | Names are bound at compile time in TorchScript |
4.2.1. Binding of names | Not Relevant | See global and nonlocal statements section |
4.2.2. Resolution of names | Not Relevant | See global and nonlocal statements section |
4.2.3. Builtins and restricted execution | Not Relevant | |
4.2.4. Interaction with dynamic features | Not Supported | Python values cannot be captured |
4.3. Exceptions | Partially Supported | See try and raise statement section |
5. The import system | Not Relevant | |
6. Expressions | Not Relevant | See expressions section |
6.1. Arithmetic conversions | Supported | |
6.2. Atoms | Not Relevant | |
6.2.1. Identifiers (Names) | Supported | |
6.2.2. Literals | Partially Supported | bytesliteral , imagnumber not supported |
6.2.3. Parenthesized forms | Supported | |
6.2.4. Displays for lists, sets and dictionaries | Partially Supported | Not supported: comprehension ifs, async iterators |
6.2.5. List displays | Supported | |
6.2.6. Set displays | Not Supported | |
6.2.7. Dictionary displays | Supported | dict() constructor with kwargs doesn't work, dict comprehensions, dictionary unpacking |
6.2.8. Generator expressions | Not Supported | |
6.2.9. Yield expressions | Not Supported | | Generator-iterator methods | Not Supported | | Examples | Not Supported | | Asynchronous generator functions | Not Supported | | Asynchronous generator-iterator methods | Not Supported | |
6.3. Primaries | Supported | |
6.3.1. Attribute references | Supported | |
6.3.2. Subscriptions | Supported | |
6.3.3. Slicings | Partially Supported | Tuple slicing with stride is not supported |
6.3.4. Calls | Partially Supported | Args unpack / kwargs unpack is not supported |
6.4. Await expression | Not Supported | |
6.5. The power operator | Supported | |
6.6. Unary arithmetic and bitwise operations | Partially Supported | Some bitwise operators are not implemented for primitive types (e.g. ~x where x is an int is not currently supported) |
6.7. Binary arithmetic operations | Partially Supported | See delimiters section |
6.8. Shifting operations | Not Supported | |
6.9. Binary bitwise operations | Supported | |
6.10. Comparisons | Supported | |
6.10.1. Value comparisons | Partially Supported | Dictionary equality checks are not currently supported |
6.10.2. Membership test operations | Partially Supported | Not supported for TorchScript classes |
6.10.3. Identity comparisons | Supported | |
6.11. Boolean operations | Supported | |
6.12. Conditional expressions | Supported | |
6.13. Lambdas | Not Supported | |
6.14. Expression lists | Partially Supported | Iterable unpacking not supported |
6.15. Evaluation order | Supported | |
6.16. Operator precedence | Supported | |
7. Simple statements | Supported | |
7.1. Expression statements | Supported | |
7.2. Assignment statements | Supported | |
7.2.1. Augmented assignment statements | Partially Supported | See delimiters section |
7.2.2. Annotated assignment statements | Supported | |
7.3. The assert statement | Partially Supported | Exception message is not customizable |
7.4. The pass statement | Supported | |
7.5. The del statement | Not Supported | |
7.6. The return statement | Supported | Some other features of returning (e.g. behavior with try..finally) are unsupported |
7.7. The yield statement | Not Supported | |
7.8. The raise statement | Partially Supported | Exception message is not customizable |
7.9. The break statement | Supported | Some other features of returning (e.g. behavior with try..finally) are unsupported |
7.10. The continue statement | Supported | Some other features of returning (e.g. behavior with try..finally) are unsupported |
7.11. The import statement | Not Supported | |
7.11.1. Future statements | Not Supported | |
7.12. The global statement | Not Supported | |
7.13. The nonlocal statement | Not Supported | |
8. Compound statements | Irrelevant | |
8.1. The if statement | Supported | |
8.2. The while statement | Partially Supported | while..else is not supported |
8.3. The for statement | Partially Supported | for..else is not supported |
8.4. The try statement | Not Supported | |
8.5. The with statement | Partially Supported | __exit__ is always called with exc_type , exc_value , and traceback set to None, even if an exception was raised, and __exit__ 's return value is ignored. |
8.6. Function definitions | Not Supported | |
8.7. Class definitions | Not Supported | |
8.8. Coroutines | Not Supported | |
8.8.1. Coroutine function definition | Not Supported | |
8.8.2. The async for statement | Not Supported | |
8.8.3. The async with statement | Not Supported | |
9. Top-level components | Not Relevant | |
9.1. Complete Python programs | Not Relevant | |
9.2. File input | Not Relevant | |
9.3. Interactive input | Not Relevant | |
9.4. Expression input | Not Relevant |