This Benchmark is used to measure distributed training iteration time. It combines Distributed Data Parallelism with Distributed Model Parallelism leveraging PyTorch DDP and the Distributed RPC Framework. The number of trainer nodes and parameter servers are configurable. The default is 8 trainers, 1 master node and 8 parameter servers.
There are different training paradigms where combining these two techniques might be useful. For example:
- If we have a model with a sparse part (large embedding table) and a dense part (FC layers), we might want to set the embedding table on a parameter server and replicate the FC layer across multiple trainers using DistributedDataParallel. The Distributed RPC framework comes handy to perform embedding lookups on the parameter servers.
- Enable hybrid parallelism as described in the PipeDream paper. We can use the Distributed RPC framework to pipeline stages of the model across multiple workers and replicate each stage (if needed) using DistributedDataParallel.
This benchmark focuses on the first paradigm above. The training process is executed as follows:
- The master creates embedding tables on each of the 8 Parameter Servers and holds an RRef to it.
- The master, then kicks off the training loop on the 8 trainers and passes the embedding table RRef to the trainers.
- The trainers create a
which performs embedding lookups in all 8 Parameter Servers using the embedding table RRef provided by the master and then executes the FC layer which is wrapped and replicated via DDP (DistributedDataParallel). - The trainer executes the forward pass of the model and uses the loss to execute the backward pass using Distributed Autograd.
- As part of the backward pass, the gradients for the FC layer are computed first and synced to all trainers via allreduce in DDP.
- Next, Distributed Autograd propagates the gradients to the parameter servers, where the gradients for the embedding table are updated.
- Finally, the Distributed Optimizer is used to update all parameters.
---------- Info ---------
- PyTorch version: 1.7.0
- CUDA version: 9.2.0
---------- nvidia-smi topo -m ---------
GPU0 X NV2 NV1 NV2 NV1 NODE NODE NODE 0-19,40-59
GPU1 NV2 X NV2 NV1 NODE NV1 NODE NODE 0-19,40-59
GPU2 NV1 NV2 X NV1 NODE NODE NV2 NODE 0-19,40-59
GPU3 NV2 NV1 NV1 X NODE NODE NODE NV2 0-19,40-59
GPU4 NV1 NODE NODE NODE X NV2 NV1 NV2 0-19,40-59
GPU5 NODE NV1 NODE NODE NV2 X NV2 NV1 0-19,40-59
GPU6 NODE NODE NV2 NODE NV1 NV2 X NV1 0-19,40-59
GPU7 NODE NODE NODE NV2 NV2 NV1 NV1 X 0-19,40-59
X = Self SYS = Connection traversing PCIe as well as the SMP interconnect between NUMA nodes (e.g., QPI/UPI) NODE = Connection traversing PCIe as well as the interconnect between PCIe Host Bridges within a NUMA node PHB = Connection traversing PCIe as well as a PCIe Host Bridge (typically the CPU) PXB = Connection traversing multiple PCIe switches (without traversing the PCIe Host Bridge) PIX = Connection traversing a single PCIe switch NV# = Connection traversing a bonded set of # NVLinks
------------------ PyTorch Distributed Benchmark (DDP and RPC) ---------------------
sec/epoch epoch/sec sec/epoch epoch/sec sec/epoch epoch/sec sec/epoch epoch/sec
Trainer0: p50: 0.376s 185/s p75: 0.384s 182/s p90: 0.390s 179/s p95: 0.396s 176/s
Trainer1: p50: 0.377s 204/s p75: 0.384s 200/s p90: 0.389s 197/s p95: 0.393s 195/s
Trainer2: p50: 0.377s 175/s p75: 0.384s 172/s p90: 0.390s 169/s p95: 0.395s 166/s
Trainer3: p50: 0.377s 161/s p75: 0.384s 158/s p90: 0.390s 156/s p95: 0.393s 155/s
Trainer4: p50: 0.377s 172/s p75: 0.383s 169/s p90: 0.389s 166/s p95: 0.395s 164/s
Trainer5: p50: 0.377s 180/s p75: 0.383s 177/s p90: 0.389s 174/s p95: 0.395s 172/s
Trainer6: p50: 0.377s 204/s p75: 0.384s 200/s p90: 0.390s 197/s p95: 0.394s 195/s
Trainer7: p50: 0.377s 185/s p75: 0.384s 182/s p90: 0.389s 179/s p95: 0.394s 177/s
All: p50: 0.377s 1470/s p75: 0.384s 1443/s p90: 0.390s 1421/s p95: 0.396s 1398/s