SageMath is a free, open-source mathematical software system based on the Python programming language. It covers a wide range of mathematical areas including algebra, calculus, number theory, geometry, graph theory, combinatorics and much more. It is used to perform calculations, graphing, simulations, and modeling in physics, cryptography, coding theory, optimization and indeed in all of mathematical fields.
Sage, as we call SageMath for short, started with the aim of providing a free alternative to proprietary mathematical software such as Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab. Thus it combines the power of many existing open-source packages, and provides an integrated platform for open computing, education, and research. Now the SageMath project acts as an umbrella project of open-source mathematical software.
The developer community of the SageMath project is constantly improving Sage and related packages, and we invite you to help improve the source code, or contribute in your own way. We heartily welcome all kinds of contributions, technical or non-technical, from adding stars to our repositories, reporting bugs or typos, commenting to issues, or creating Pulling Requests, to donations. We provide a warm and supportive environment in which contributors experience large-scale open-source software development for humanity. 💕
We recently migrated SageMath development from Trac to GitHub, preserving the full history of Sage in the form of 35000 tickets.
For more information on our GitHub migration, visit or sagemath/sage#30363.
If you got here because you received an invitation to join the SageMath organization: We sent out these invitations as part of our migration from Trac to GitHub. The org invitation was sent to give all past contributors the opportunity to have their contributions (such as comments on tickets) linked to their GitHub accounts that we have on file. Organization membership (with basic permissions) was a prerequisite for that.
Now that the migration is complete, you can check that your contributions are well preserved in the issues converted from Trac, numbered up to 34959. If you are represented by a so-called mannequin account, a placeholder, then stay tuned to the mannequin account reclaim procedure.
Contents of In addition to the main repository sagemath/sage, this org also hosts the source code of our website in website and publications and repositories of closely related projects maintained by SageMath developers: conway-polynomials, cypari2, cysignals, deformation, memory_allocator, modular_resolution, pari-jupyter, p_group_cohomology, pplpy, sage-binder-env, sage-numerical-backends-coin, sage-numerical-backends-cplex, sage-numerical-backends-gurobi, sage-shell-mode, sagecell, sagetex, threejs-sage.
Contents of Our sister org at hosts or archives a few other closely related projects maintained by SageMath developers: lcalc, symmetrica, zn_poly.