In order to use Blaze for queries, you have to import your data. Although you can use the full functionality of the FHIR RESTful API available under
to create resources, the easiest way is to download blazectl to upload bundles.
First you should test connectivity by counting already available resources in Blaze which should be zero:
blazectl --server count-resources
which should return:
Count all resources on ...
total : 0
After that, you need a FHIR bundle to upload. You can generate one by downloading bbmri-fhir-gen and run:
mkdir fhir-test-data
bbmri-fhir-gen fhir-test-data
That will generate two files under fhir-test-data
-rw-r--r-- 1 akiel staff 31K Nov 8 10:16 biobank.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 akiel staff 757K Nov 8 10:16 transaction-0.json
After you have the test data, you can upload it with:
blazectl --server upload fhir-test-data
which will output:
Starting Upload to ...
Uploads [total, concurrency] 2, 2
Success [ratio] 100.00 %
Duration [total] 3s
Requ. Latencies [mean, 50, 95, 99, max] 2.414s, 3.313s, 3.313s, 3.313s 3.313s
Proc. Latencies [mean, 50, 95, 99, max] 2.412s, 3.31s, 3.31s, 3.31s 3.31s
Bytes In [total, mean] 123.60 KiB, 61.80 KiB
Bytes Out [total, mean] 788.30 KiB, 394.15 KiB
Status Codes [code:count] 200:2
counting the FHIR resources again:
blazectl --server count-resources
should return:
Count all resources on ...
Condition : 100
Observation : 431
Organization : 11
Patient : 100
Specimen : 100
total : 742