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The Things Network & Azure IoT: a perfect combination

Passing commands back to a device

This is an example of how downlink commands are sent back to a device. In this workshop, we will send commands back to faulty devices, using an Azure Function, to start them up again.

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This part of the workshop supports both the UWP app.

Note: In this workshop, we will create uniquely named Azure resources. The suggested names could be reserved already.


  1. Azure account create here (Azure passes will be present for those who have no Azure account (please check your email for final confirmation))
  2. A running UWP app which simulates a machine running duty cycles
  3. A combination of Azure IoT Hub, Stream Analytics job, Event Hub and Azure Function which are waiting for analyzed telemetry coming from the devices
  4. A running Device Explorer, connected to the IoT Hub, showing the telemetry coming in

Steps to perform in this part of the workshop

At the end of this part of the workshop, the following steps are performed

  1. Creating commands to send back in the Azure Function
  2. Handle commands in the running UWP app

Sending back commands for devices which are in a faulty state

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In the previous workshop, we passed the telemetry from the device to a Stream Analytics job. This job collected devices which are sending error states. Every two minutes, information about devices that are in a faulty state are passed to an Azure Function.

In this workshop, we will react on these devices by sending them a command to 'repair themselves'.

Updating the C# Azure Function with sending command logic

First, we update the Azure Function. For each device which is passed on, we send a command back.

Sending commands back to devices is a specific feature of the IoT Hub. The IoT Hub registers devices and their security policies. And the IoT Hub has built-in logic to send commands back.

  1. On the left, select Resource groups. A list of resource groups is shown

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  2. Select the ResourceGroup IoTWorkshop-rg. It will open a new blade with all resources in this group

  3. Select the Azure Function App IoTWorkshop-fa

  4. To the left, the current functions are shown. Select IoTWorkshopEventHubFunction

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  5. The Code panel is shown. The code of the function is shown. Note: actually, this code is saved in a file named run.scx

  6. Change the current code into

    using System;
    using Microsoft.Azure.Devices;
    using System.Text;
    using Newtonsoft.Json; 
    public static void Run(string myEventHubMessage, TraceWriter log)
      log.Info($"Stream Analytics produced {myEventHubMessage}");  
      // Connect to IoT Hub   
      var connectionString = "[IOT HUB connection string]";
      var serviceClient = ServiceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
      // Send commands to all devices 
      var messages = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<StreamAnalyticsCommand[]>(myEventHubMessage);
      log.Info($"{messages.Length} messages arrived.");
      foreach(var message in messages)
        var bytes= new byte[1];
        bytes[0] = 42; // restart the machine!
        var commandMessage = new Message(bytes);
        serviceClient.SendAsync(message.deviceid, commandMessage);
        // Log
        log.Info($"Machine restart command processed after {message.count} errors for {message.deviceid}");
    public class StreamAnalyticsCommand
      public string deviceid {get; set;}
      public int count {get; set;}
  7. Press the Logs button at the bottom to open the pane which shows some basic logging

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  8. A 'Logs' panel is shown. This 'Logs' panel works like a trace log.

  9. If you try to run this code, you will notice that compilation fails. This is not that surprising: we are using certain libraries that Azure Functions has no knowledge of. Yet!

  10. Press the View Files button to open the pane which shows a directory tree of all files.

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  11. In the pane you can see that the file currently selected is: run.csx

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  12. Add a new file by pressing Add

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  13. Name the new file package.json

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  14. Press Enter to confirm the name of the file and an empty code editor will be shown for this file.

  15. The Project.json file describes which Nuget packages have to be referenced. Fill the editor with the following code

      "frameworks": {
        "net46": {
          "dependencies": {
            "Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client": "5.2.3",
            "Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core": "5.2.3",
            "Microsoft.Azure.Amqp": "1.1.5",
            "Microsoft.Azure.Devices": "1.1.0",
            "Newtonsoft.Json": "9.0.1"
  16. Select Save. The changed C# code will be recompiled immediately Note: you can press 'save and run', this will actually run the function, but an empty test will be passed (check out the 'Test' option to the right for more info)

  17. In the 'Logs' panel, just below 'Code', verify the outcome of the compilation

    2017-01-08T14:49:46.794 Packages restored.
    2017-01-08T14:49:47.113 Script for function 'IoTWorkshopEventHubFunction' changed. Reloading.
    2017-01-08T14:49:47.504 Compilation succeeded.
  18. There is just one thing left to do: we have to fill in the Azure IoT Hub security policy connection string. To send commands back, we have to proof we are authorized to do this

  19. In the Azure Function, replace '[IOT HUB connection string]' with your remembered IoT Hub Connection String-primary key

  20. Select Save and recompile again succesfully

Now, the Azure Function is ready to receive data about devices which simulate 'faulty machines'. And it can send commands back to 'repair' the 'machines'.

Handle commands in the devices

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Let's bring your device in a faulty state and see how the Azure IoT Platforms sends back a command to repair it.

Handle commands in a UWP app

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In UWP app we wrote and executed a UWP which send some telemetry. Here we will add more logic to the node so we can receive commands.

  1. Go to the UWP project

  2. Open the file named 'AzureIoTHub.cs'

  3. The class in this file also contains a method 'ReceiveCloudToDeviceMessageAsync' which is not that smart. It can only receive text. We want to receive a number (bytes) from the Azure IoT Platform

  4. Add a Receive method with the following code

    public static async Task<byte[]> ReceiveCloudToDeviceBytes()
        var deviceClient = DeviceClient.
              CreateFromConnectionString(deviceConnectionString, TransportType.Amqp);
        while (true)
            var receivedMessage = await deviceClient.ReceiveAsync();
            if (receivedMessage != null)
                var bytes = receivedMessage.GetBytes();
                await deviceClient.CompleteAsync(receivedMessage);
                return bytes;
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
  5. Now, the method to receive messages from the cloud to this devices is waiting for bytes

  6. Next, Open the XAML of form 'MainPage.xaml'

  7. Add the following line of code. It add a button to the screen

    <Button Name="BtnReceive" Content="Wait for commands" Margin="5" FontSize="60" Click="btnReceive_Click" />
  8. Finally, add the following code-behind on 'MainPage.xaml.cs'. This is the logic which will be executed after pushing the new button

    private async void btnReceive_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        BtnReceive.IsEnabled = false;
        while (true)
                var bytes = await AzureIoTHub.ReceiveCloudToDeviceBytes();
                if (bytes != null && bytes.Length > 0 && bytes[0] >= 42)
                    await ShowMessage($"Command {Convert.ToInt32(bytes[0])} (Started running again at {DateTime.Now:hh:mm:ss})");
                    _errorCode = 0;
                    BtnBreak.IsEnabled = true;
                    txbTitle.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkOliveGreen);
            catch (Exception ex)
                BtnReceive.IsEnabled = true;
                await ShowMessage(ex.Message);
  9. We only have to push the button once. After that, when a command is received. We 'start' the machine again

  10. The changes in the code are done. recompile to check the code will build successfully

  11. Restart the UWP app, press Send cycle updates a couple of times

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  12. The cycles are normal behavior. And these will not be picked up by the Stream Analytics job (which is listening for the error status)

  13. To receive commands, we have to wait for them to be received from the IoT Hub. Press Wait for commands note: the communication with the IoT Hub is based on a communication protocol named AMQP by default. This makes communication very efficient, we are not polling every few seconds and thus saving bandwidth

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  14. Now we 'break' the machine by pressing Break down. Note: the title will be shown in a red color

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  15. finally, we send telemetry, a few times to notify the Azure IoT platform (using the IoT Hub) that the machine in in a faulty state

  16. In the UWP app, again press Send cycle updates a couple of times. Error code 99 is shown

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  17. The telemetry is sent to the IoTHub which passes the data to the StreamAnalytics job. If the error codes arrive multiple times within the same time frame (the hopping window is two minutes), an event is constructed and passed to the Azure Function.

  18. The Azure function will show the execution of the method

    2017-01-08T15:45:07.169 Function started (Id=91558474-1e83-4ce5-b9ca-81b87f22dff4)
    2017-01-08T15:45:07.169 Stream Analytics produced [{"count":3,"deviceid":"MachineCyclesUwp"}]
    2017-01-08T15:45:07.169 1 messages arrived.
    2017-01-08T15:45:07.169 Machine restart command processed after 3 errors for MachineCyclesUwp
    2017-01-08T15:45:07.169 Function completed (Success, Id=91558474-1e83-4ce5-b9ca-81b87f22dff4)
  19. Notice that the event is actually a JSON array of messages (containing one message). And correct machine is restarted

  20. Now look at the UWP app, the machine is restart, just a second or so after the command was sent by the Azure Function Note: the title is no longer red

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We have now successfully sent some telemetry which is picked up and handled. In the end, commands were received and acted on.


Receiving commands from Azure completes the main part of the workshop.

We hope you did enjoy working with the Azure IoT Platform, as much as we did. Thanks for getting this far!

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But wait, there is still more. We added two bonus chapters to the workshop

  1. Deploying the TTN C# bridge as Azure Web Job
  2. Add basic monitoring to the platform

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