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Rational Discourse


Rational Discourse is a game we created for the Area of Effect game jam. The jam was a 48 hour contest starting on 11/20/2020 as part of the larger event, which included key notes, raffles, and fundraisers. The theme this year was Message Received so we decided to make a game about political messaging and propaganda, and had much fun adding a humorous tone to that topic!

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Welcome to the $Candidate_Name Campaign! It's your first day as a media intern at $Political_Party, and you are in charge of the party's official Tooter® Social Media account!

Compete with the $Opposition_Party's intern to gain influence by seeing who can spread their party's propaganda messages the fastest!



  • Alain Kuchta (Development)
  • Adam Kuchta (Writing)
  • Scott Weidenkopf (Development)
  • Kevin Gurney (Development, Art, Design of Tooter)
  • Jared Perry (Development, Music)