Ad Injection at Scale- Assessing Deceptive Advertisement Modifications.pdf
Analyzing and Defending Against Web-based Malware.pdf
AutoBLG- Automatic URL Blacklist Generator Using Search Space Expansion and Filters.pdf
Comparisons of machine learning techniques for detecting malicious webpages.pdf
EKHUNTER- A Counter-Offensive Toolkit for Exploit Kit Infiltration.pdf
Eyes of a Human, Eyes of a Program- Leveraging Different Views of the Web for Analysis and Detection.pdf
JSOD- JavaScript obfuscation detector.pdf
Measuring Drive-by Download Defense in Depth.pdf
Meerkat- Detecting Website Defacements through Image-based Object Recognition.pdf
Paint it Black- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Malware Blacklists.pdf
The Ghost In The Browser Analysis of Web-based Malware.pdf
Understanding Malvertising Through Ad-Injecting Browser Extensions.pdf
WebWinnow- Leveraging Exploit Kit Workflows to Detect Malicious URLs.pdf
WebWitness- Investigating, Categorizing, and Mitigating Malware Download Paths.pdf
Your Reputation Precedes You- History, Reputation, and the Chrome Malware Warning.pdf
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