For a more detailed guide on how to use, compose, and work with SparkApplication
s, please refer to the
User Guide. If you are running the Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark on Google Kubernetes Engine and want to use Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and/or BigQuery for reading/writing data, also refer to the GCP guide. The Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark will simply be referred to as the operator for the rest of this guide.
- Installation
- Running the Examples
- Configuration
- Upgrade
- About the Spark Job Namespace
- About the Service Account for Driver Pods
- Enable Metric Exporting to Prometheus
- Driver UI Access and Ingress
- About the Mutating Admission Webhook
- Mutating Admission Webhooks on a private GKE cluster
To install the operator, use the Helm chart.
$ helm repo add incubator
$ helm install incubator/sparkoperator --namespace spark-operator --set sparkJobNamespace=default
Installing the chart will create a namespace spark-operator
if it doesn't exist, and helm will set up RBAC for the operator to run in the namespace. It will also set up RBAC in the default
namespace for driver pods of your Spark applications to be able to manipulate executor pods. In addition, the chart will create a Deployment in the namespace spark-operator
. The chart's Spark Job Namespace is set to ""
by default, in which case it will not set up RBAC. The chart by default does not enable Mutating Admission Webhook for Spark pod customization. When enabled, a webhook service and a secret storing the x509 certificate called spark-webhook-certs
are created for that purpose. To install the operator with the mutating admission webhook on a Kubernetes cluster, install the chart with the flag enableWebhook=true
$ helm install incubator/sparkoperator --namespace spark-operator --set enableWebhook=true
Due to a known issue in GKE, you will need to first grant yourself cluster-admin privileges before you can create custom roles and role bindings on a GKE cluster versioned 1.6 and up. Run the following command before installing the chart on GKE:
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding <user>-cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=<user>@<domain>
Now you should see the operator running in the cluster by checking the status of the Helm release.
$ helm status <spark-operator-release-name>
To run the Spark Pi example, run the following command:
$ kubectl apply -f examples/spark-pi.yaml
Note that spark-pi.yaml
configures the driver pod to use the spark
service account to communicate with the Kubernetes API server. You might need to replace it with the appropriate service account before submitting the job. If you installed the operator using the Helm chart and overrode sparkJobNamespace
, the service account name ends with -spark
and starts with the Helm release name. For example, if you would like to run your Spark jobs to run in a namespace called test-ns
, first make sure it already exists, and then install the chart with the command:
$ helm install incubator/sparkoperator --namespace spark-operator --set sparkJobNamespace=test-ns
Then the chart will set up a service account for your Spark jobs to use in that namespace.
See the section on the Spark Job Namespace for details on the behavior of the default Spark Job Namespace.
Running the above command will create a SparkApplication
object named spark-pi
. Check the object by running the following command:
$ kubectl get sparkapplications spark-pi -o=yaml
This will show something similar to the following:
kind: SparkApplication
deps: {}
coreLimit: 1200m
cores: 1
version: 2.3.0
memory: 512m
serviceAccount: spark
cores: 1
instances: 1
version: 2.3.0
memory: 512m
mainApplicationFile: local:///opt/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.12-2.3.0.jar
mainClass: org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi
mode: cluster
type: OnFailure
onFailureRetries: 3
onFailureRetryInterval: 10
onSubmissionFailureRetries: 5
onSubmissionFailureRetryInterval: 20
type: Scala
sparkApplicationId: spark-5f4ba921c85ff3f1cb04bef324f9154c9
completionTime: 2018-02-20T23:33:55Z
podName: spark-pi-83ba921c85ff3f1cb04bef324f9154c9-driver
webUIPort: 31064
webUIServiceName: spark-pi-2402118027-ui-svc
webUIIngressName: spark-pi-ui-ingress
spark-pi-83ba921c85ff3f1cb04bef324f9154c9-exec-1: COMPLETED
LastSubmissionAttemptTime: 2018-02-20T23:32:27Z
To check events for the SparkApplication
object, run the following command:
$ kubectl describe sparkapplication spark-pi
This will show the events similarly to the following:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal SparkApplicationAdded 5m spark-operator SparkApplication spark-pi was added, enqueued it for submission
Normal SparkApplicationTerminated 4m spark-operator SparkApplication spark-pi terminated with state: COMPLETED
The operator submits the Spark Pi example to run once it receives an event indicating the SparkApplication
object was added.
The operator is typically deployed and run using the Helm chart. However, users can still run it outside a Kubernetes cluster and make it talk to the Kubernetes API server of a cluster by specifying path to kubeconfig
, which can be done using the -kubeconfig
The operator uses multiple workers in the SparkApplication
controller. The number of worker threads are controlled using command-line flag -controller-threads
which has a default value of 10.
The operator enables cache resynchronization so periodically the informers used by the operator will re-list existing objects it manages and re-trigger resource events. The resynchronization interval in seconds can be configured using the flag -resync-interval
, with a default value of 30 seconds.
By default, the operator will install the CustomResourceDefinitions for the custom resources it manages. This can be disabled by setting the flag -install-crds=false
, in which case the CustomResourceDefinitions can be installed manually using kubectl apply -f manifest/spark-operator-crds.yaml
The mutating admission webhook is an optional component and can be enabled or disabled using the -enable-webhook
flag, which defaults to false
By default, the operator will manage custom resource objects of the managed CRD types for the whole cluster. It can be configured to manage only the custom resource objects in a specific namespace with the flag -namespace=<namespace>
To upgrade the the operator, e.g., to use a newer version container image with a new tag, run the following command with updated parameters for the Helm release:
$ helm upgrade <YOUR-HELM-RELEASE-NAME> --set operatorImageName=org/image --set operatorVersion=newTag
Refer to the Helm documentation for more details on helm upgrade
The Spark Job Namespace value defines the namespace(s) where SparkApplications
can be deployed. The Helm chart value for the Spark Job Namespace is sparkJobNamespace
, and its default value is ""
, as defined in the Helm chart's README. Note that in the Kubernetes apimachinery project, the constants NamespaceAll
and NamespaceNone
are both defined as the empty string. In this case, the empty string represents NamespaceAll
. When set to ""
, the Spark Operator supports deploying SparkApplications
to all namespaces. The Helm chart will create a service account in the namespace where the spark-operator is deployed, but Helm skips setting up the RBAC for driver pods of your SparkApplications
to be able to manipulate executor pods. In order to successfully deploy SparkApplications
, you will need to ensure the driver pod's service account meets the criteria described in the service accounts for driver pods section.
On the other hand, if you installed the operator using the Helm chart and overrode the sparkJobNamespace
to some other, pre-existing namespace, the Helm chart will create the necessary service account and RBAC in the specified namespace.
The Spark Operator uses the Spark Job Namespace to identify and filter relevant events for the SparkApplication
CRD. If you specify a namespace for Spark Jobs, and then submit a SparkApplication resource to another namespace, the Spark Operator will filter out the event, and the resource will not get deployed. If you don't specify a namespace, the Spark Operator will see SparkApplication
events for all namespaces, and will deploy them to the namespace requested in the create call.
A Spark driver pod need a Kubernetes service account in the pod's namespace that has permissions to create, get, list, and delete executor pods, and create a Kubernetes headless service for the driver. The driver will fail and exit without the service account, unless the default service account in the pod's namespace has the needed permissions. To submit and run a SparkApplication
in a namespace, please make sure there is a service account with the permissions in the namespace and set .spec.driver.serviceAccount
to the name of the service account. Please refer to spark-rbac.yaml for an example RBAC setup that creates a driver service account named spark
in the default
namespace, with a RBAC role binding giving the service account the needed permissions.
The operator exposes a set of metrics via the metric endpoint to be scraped by Prometheus
. The Helm chart by default installs the operator with the additional flag to enable metrics (-enable-metrics=true
) as well as other annotations used by Prometheus to scrape the metric endpoint. To install the operator without metrics enabled, pass the appropriate flag during helm install
$ helm install incubator/sparkoperator --namespace spark-operator --set enableMetrics=false
If enabled, the operator generates the following metrics:
Metric | Description |
spark_app_count |
Total number of SparkApplication handled by the Operator. |
spark_app_submit_count |
Total number of SparkApplication spark-submitted by the Operator. |
spark_app_success_count |
Total number of SparkApplication which completed successfully. |
spark_app_failure_count |
Total number of SparkApplication which failed to complete. |
spark_app_running_count |
Total number of SparkApplication which are currently running. |
spark_app_success_execution_time_microseconds |
Execution time for applications which succeeded. |
spark_app_failure_execution_time_microseconds |
Execution time for applications which failed. |
spark_app_start_latency_microseconds |
Start latency of SparkApplication as type of Prometheus Summary. |
spark_app_start_latency_seconds |
Start latency of SparkApplication as type of Prometheus Histogram. |
spark_app_executor_success_count |
Total number of Spark Executors which completed successfully. |
spark_app_executor_failure_count |
Total number of Spark Executors which failed. |
spark_app_executor_running_count |
Total number of Spark Executors which are currently running. |
Metric | Description |
spark_application_controller_depth |
Current depth of workqueue |
spark_application_controller_adds |
Total number of adds handled by workqueue |
spark_application_controller_latency |
Latency for workqueue |
spark_application_controller_work_duration |
How long processing an item from workqueue takes |
spark_application_controller_retries |
Total number of retries handled by workqueue |
spark_application_controller_unfinished_work_seconds |
Unfinished work in seconds |
spark_application_controller_longest_running_processor_microseconds |
Longest running processor in microseconds |
The following is a list of all the configurations the operators supports for metrics:
All configs except -enable-metrics
are optional. If port and/or endpoint are specified, please ensure that the annotations
and containerPort
in spark-operator-with-metrics.yaml
are updated as well.
A note about metrics-labels
: In Prometheus
, every unique combination of key-value label pair represents a new time series, which can dramatically increase the amount of data stored. Hence labels should not be used to store dimensions with high cardinality with potentially a large or unbounded value range.
Additionally, these metrics are best-effort for the current operator run and will be reset on an operator restart. Also some of these metrics are generated by listening to pod state updates for the driver/executors and deleting the pods outside the operator might lead to incorrect metric values for some of these metrics.
The operator, by default, makes the Spark UI accessible by creating a service of type ClusterIP
which exposes the UI. This is only accessible from within the cluster.
The operator also supports creating an optional Ingress for the UI. This can be turned on by setting the ingress-url-format
command-line flag. The ingress-url-format
should be a template like {{$appName}}.{ingress_suffix}
. The {ingress_suffix}
should be replaced by the user to indicate the cluster's ingress url and the operator will replace the {{$appName}}
with the appropriate appName. Please note that Ingress support requires that cluster's ingress url routing is correctly set-up. For e.g. if the ingress-url-format
is {{$appName}}
, it requires that anything *
should be routed to the ingress-controller on the K8s cluster.
The operator also sets both WebUIAddress
which is accessible from within the cluster as well as WebUIIngressAddress
as part of the DriverInfo
field of the SparkApplication
The Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark comes with an optional mutating admission webhook for customizing Spark driver and executor pods based on the specification in SparkApplication
objects, e.g., mounting user-specified ConfigMaps and volumes, and setting pod affinity/anti-affinity, and adding tolerations.
The webhook requires a X509 certificate for TLS for pod admission requests and responses between the Kubernetes API server and the webhook server running inside the operator. For that, the certificate and key files must be accessible by the webhook server. The location of these certs is configurable and they will be reloaded on a configurable period.
The Kubernetes Operator for Spark ships with a tool at hack/
for generating the CA and server certificate and putting the certificate and key files into a secret named spark-webhook-certs
in the namespace spark-operator
. This secret will be mounted into the operator pod.
Run the following command to create the secret with a certificate and key files using a batch Job, and install the operator Deployment with the mutating admission webhook:
$ kubectl apply -f manifest/spark-operator-with-webhook.yaml
This will create a Deployment named sparkoperator
and a Service named spark-webhook
for the webhook in namespace spark-operator
If the operator is installed via the Helm chart using the default settings (i.e. with webhook enabled), the above steps are all automated for you.
If you are deploying the operator on a GKE cluster with the Private cluster setting enabled, and you wish to deploy the cluster with the Mutating Admission Webhook, then make sure to change the webhookPort
to 443
. Alternatively you can choose to allow connections to the default port (8080).
By default, firewall rules restrict your cluster master to only initiate TCP connections to your nodes on ports 443 (HTTPS) and 10250 (kubelet). For some Kubernetes features, you might need to add firewall rules to allow access on additional ports. For example, in Kubernetes 1.9 and older, kubectl top accesses heapster, which needs a firewall rule to allow TCP connections on port 8080. To grant such access, you can add firewall rules. From the docs
To install the operator with a custom port, pass the appropriate flag during helm install
$ helm install incubator/sparkoperator --set sparkJobNamespace=spark --set enableWebhook=true --set webhookPort=443