This directory is used to convert TensorFlow weights to PyTorch. It was hacked together fairly quickly, so the code is not the most beautiful (just a warning!), but it does the job. I will be refactoring it soon.
I should also emphasize that you do not need to run any of this code to load pretrained weights. Simply use EfficientNet.from_pretrained(...)
That being said, the main script here is convert_to_tf/
. In order to use it, you should first download the pretrained TensorFlow weights:
cd pretrained_tensorflow
cd ..
mkdir -p pretrained_pytorch
cd convert_tf_to_pt
python \
--model_name efficientnet-b0 \
--tf_checkpoint ../pretrained_tensorflow/efficientnet-b0/ \
--output_file ../pretrained_pytorch/efficientnet-b0.pth