The tabby-agent is an agent used for communication with the Tabby server. It is based on Node.js v18 and runs as a language server.
Breaking Changes: The tabby-agent will only support running as a language server since version 1.7.0.
The tabby-agent mainly supports the following features of LSP:
- Completion (textDocument/completion)
- Inline Completion (textDocument/inlineCompletion, since LSP v3.18.0)
For collecting more context to enhance the completion quality or providing more features like inline chat editing, the tabby-agent extends the protocol with some custom methods starting with tabby/*
. These methods are used in Tabby-provided editor extensions.
Note: For VSCode, IntelliJ Platform IDEs, and Vim/NeoVim, it is recommended to use the Tabby-provided extensions, which run the Tabby Agent underlying.
The following guide is only for users who want to set up the tabby-agent as a language server manually.
npx tabby-agent --stdio
Since most text editors have their built-in LSP clients or popular LSP client plugins, you can easily connect to the tabby-agent from your editor. Here are some example configurations for popular editors.
There are several Vim plugins that provide LSP support. One of them is coc.nvim. To use the tabby-agent as a language server, you can add the following code to your :CocConfig
"languageserver": {
"tabby-agent": {
"command": "npx",
"args": ["tabby-agent", "--stdio"],
"filetypes": ["*"]
The package lsp-mode provides an LSP client for Emacs. You can add the following code to your Emacs configuration script to use the tabby-agent as a language server.
(with-eval-after-load 'lsp-mode
(make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection '("npx" "tabby-agent" "--stdio"))
;; you can select languages to enable Tabby language server
:activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "typescript" "javascript" "toml")
:priority 1
:add-on? t
:server-id 'tabby-agent)))
Helix has built-in LSP support. To use the tabby-agent as a language server, you can add the following code to your languages.toml
command = "npx"
args = ["tabby-agent", "--stdio"]
# Add Tabby as the second language server for your specific languages
name = "typescript"
language-servers = ["typescript-language-server", "tabby"]
name = "toml"
language-servers = ["taplo", "tabby"]
You are welcome to contribute by adding example configurations for your favorite editor. Please submit a PR with your additions.
Please refer to the configuration documentation for more details.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.