Install ADB & FastBoot Tools in Termux!
Termux repository for hacking tools and packages
You can use setupTermuxArch.bash 📲 to install Arch Linux in Amazon, Android, Chromebook and Windows.
Install sing-box/xray and configure vless / tuic / hysteria2 / shadowtls for reality or tls (letsencrypt) over different transport protocols (tcp, http, grpc and websocket) with user management cap…
Termux package containing scripts to call functionality in Termux:API.
methods to access free internet
Enhanced v2ray/xray and v2ray/xray-clients routing rules with built-in Iranian domains and a focus on security and adblocking.
Using this script, you can easily create warp-on-warp configurations by scanning warp IPs.
Sing-box one-click script [Vless-reality, Vmess-ws, Vless-grpc,Hysteria2, Tuic5]: supports Argo tunnel, self-signed/acme certificate node . Qr code. Telegram push node
Nginx Reverse Proxy ws grpc protocol support( vless vmess torjan) Auto SSL - Fake website
Easily establish one or more tunnels! All ports or multiple ports
Install and Run VLESS WebSocket config with Cloudflare Argo Tunnel
Tunnel all your traffic over websocket protocol - Bypass firewalls/DPI - one-click-script
Instantly tunnel two VPS together with this one-click script