Find similar words based on the embed parameters of the words contained in the trained model.
model | Specify the model file (*.nnp) for similar word search. To search for similar words based on the training result selected in the Evaluation tab, use the default results.nnp. |
parameter | Specify the name of the parameter used for similar word search among the parameters included in the trained model. |
index-file-input | Specify the filename of an existing word index CSV file. A word index CSV file is a CSV file that consists of an index starting from 0 in the first column and words in the second column, and each line consists of a word index and words. |
source-word | Specify the word that is the source of the similar word search. |
num-words | Specify the number of similar words to include in the result. |
output | Specify the file name of the CSV file that outputs similar word search results. |
This plugin can be used to check the results of the 20newsgroups_word_embedding sample project.