Topics | Docker Image |
Kube Fundamentals - Pods | stacksimplify/kubenginx:1.0.0 |
Kube Fundamentals - Replica Sets | stacksimplify/kube-helloworld:1.0.0 |
Kube Fundamentals - Deployments | stacksimplify/kube-helloworld:1.0.0, 2.0.0, 3.0.0, 4.0.0 |
Kube Fundamentals - Services | stacksimplify/kube-frontend-nginx:1.0.0, stacksimplify/kube-helloworld:1.0.0 |
AWS ECR Integration | |
- AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service - EKS
- AWS EKS Fargate (Serverless)
- AWS Elastic Container Registry - ECR
- AWS Elastic Block Storage - EBS
- AWS Elastic File Storage - EFS
- AWS VPC - Virtual Private Cloud
- AWS ELB - Elastic Load Balancer
- CLB - Classic Load Balancer
- NLB - Network Load Balancer
- ALB - Application Load Balancer
- AWS RDS - Relation Database Service
- AWS EC2 Instances
- AWS EC2 Autoscaling
- AWS AppMesh
- AWS X-Ray
- AWS CloudFormation
- AWS CloudWatch
- AWS CloudTrial
- AWS Parameter Store (for secrets - CICD)
- AWS Lambda (For secrets - CICD)
- AWS Datasync
- AWS S3 Buckets
- Cerficate Manager (For ALB SSL)
S.No | AWS Services | S.No | Kubernetes Concepts |
1. | AWS EKS - Elastic Kubernetes Service | 1. | Pods |
2. | AWS EKS - Fargate (Serverless) | 2. | ReplicaSets |
3. | AWS ECR - Elastic Container Registry | 3. | Deployments |
4. | AWS EBS - Elastic Block Store | 4. | Services - NodePort |
5. | AWS EFS - Elastic File Store | 5. | Services - ClusterIp |
6. | AWS VPC - Virtual Private Cloud | 6. | Imperative & Delcarative ways to create k8s objects |
7. | AWS ELB - Elastic Load Balancer - ALB | 7. | YAML Basics - for writing k8s manifests |
- YAML Basics
- PODs
- Deployments
- Services
- Volumes
- ConfigMaps
- Replication Controller or Replica Sets
- Declarative commands (kubectl)
- Live Template writing for PODS, Deployments & Services
- Create Cluster
- AWS Management Console
- eksctl
- Worker Nodes
- Launch a Worker Node (Linux)
- Managed Node Groups (MNG)
- Updating (Patching) Managed Node Groups
- Editing Managed Node Groups
- Managed Node Group ERRORS
- Deleting MNG
- Storage
- EBS CSI Driver
- EFS CSI Driver
- Autoscaling
- Cluster Autoscaler
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- Vertical Pod Autoscaler
- Load Balancing and Ingress
- Load Balancing (CLB, NLB)
- ALB Ingress Controller
- Networking
- Creating a VPC for EKS
- Cluster VPC Considerations
- EKS Security Group Considerations
- Understand Pod Networking
- CoreDNS (Already exists in new clusters - just intro about it will suffice)
- Calico (Multi-tenant environment - not needed)
- Managing Cluster Authentication (Optional)
- Important Topic - Managing Users or IAM Roles for your cluster
- Guest Book Application
- Metrics Server
- Prometheus Metrics
- Using Helm
- Deploy Kubernetes Dashboard
- AppMesh Integration with Kubernetes
- Security (IAM role to Kubernetes Service Accounts)
- Pod Security Policy
- CloudTrial
- AWS Fargate (LAST)
- Important Note: Pods running on Fargate are only supported on private subnets (with NAT gateway access to AWS services, but not a direct route to an Internet Gateway), so your cluster's VPC must have private subnets available.
- Stateful applications are not recommended for pods running on Fargate.
- Daemonsets are not supported on Fargate.
- GPUs are currently not available on Fargate.
- Troubleshooting
- CloudWatch
- CloudTrail
- AWS X-Ray
- Kubeapps
- Helm Charts
- Kubeadm
- Grafana, Prometheus
- Istio
- Kiali
- Cluster Setup (AWS)
- Architecture
- Deployments
- Services
- ReplicaSets
- ConfigMaps
- Resources
- Containers
- P Volume Claims
- Networking
- Taints &
- Ingress
- Secrets
- Persistent Volumes
- Security
- StatefulSets
- Storage
- Administration
- Federation
- Jobs
docker run --name mysql-dev -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=redhat -d mysql:latest
docker stop mysql-dev
docker rm mysql-dev
docker exec -it mysql-dev bash
# Docker network
docker network ls
# Connect to MySQL
docker run -it --network some-network --rm mysql mysql -hsome-mysql -uexample-user -p
docker run -it --network host --rm mysql mysql -hmysql-dev -uroot -p