Imperial College London
- London, UK
- ploumpis.com
- @S_ploumpis
handy Public
Forked from rolpotamias/handyHandy: Towards a high fidelity 3D hand shape and appearance model
tongue Public
We propose a framework that accurately derives the 3D tongue shape from single images. A high detailed 3D point cloud of the tongue surface and a full head topology along with the tongue expression…
Universal_Head_3DMM Public
This is a Project Page of 'Towards a complete 3D morphable model of the human head'
BiSeNet Public
Forked from CoinCheung/BiSeNetAdd bisenetv2. My implementation of BiSeNet
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2021 -
polynomial_nets Public
Forked from grigorisg9gr/polynomial_netsOfficial Implementation of the CVPR'20 paper 'Π-nets: Deep Polynomial Neural Networks' and its T-PAMI-21 extension.
Python Other UpdatedMay 21, 2021 -
kaolin Public
Forked from NVIDIAGameWorks/kaolinA PyTorch Library for Accelerating 3D Deep Learning Research
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 8, 2021 -
AvatarMe Public
Forked from pilotbear/AvatarMePublic repository for the CVPR paper AvatarMe
UpdatedJan 7, 2021 -
curated-list-of-awesome-3D-Morphable-Model-software-and-data Public
Forked from 3d-morphable-models/curated-list-of-awesome-3D-Morphable-Model-software-and-dataThe idea of this list is to collect shared data and algorithms around 3D Morphable Models. You are invited to contribute to this list by adding a pull request. The original list arised from the Dag…
Neural3DMM Public
Forked from gbouritsas/Neural3DMMOfficial repository for the ICCV 2019 paper "Neural 3D Morphable Models: Spiral Convolutional Networks for 3D Shape Representation Learning and Generation"
Python Other UpdatedAug 3, 2019 -
trimesh2 Public
Forked from Forceflow/trimesh2C++ library and set of utilities for input, output, and basic manipulation of 3D triangle meshes
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2018 -
menpo3d Public
Forked from menpo/menpo3dTools for manipulating 3D meshes within the Menpo project.
Python Other UpdatedMar 1, 2017 -
menpo Public
Forked from menpo/menpoPython framework for manipulating annotated data
menpowidgets Public
Forked from menpo/menpowidgetsStores all the Jupyter notebook widgets for the Menpo project
Python Other UpdatedDec 5, 2016 -
menpofit Public
Forked from menpo/menpofitMenpo's deformable modelling toolkit.
menpodetect Public
Forked from menpo/menpodetectSimple object detection for Menpo images
Python Other UpdatedJun 22, 2016