Reseach Assistant & PhD student @ Imperial College London; Interested in Geometric Deep Learning, Generative Models, Shape Analysis.
spiralnet_plus Public
SpiralNet++: A Fast and Highly Efficient Mesh Convolution Operator (ICCV-W 2019)
graph-based-deep-learning-literature Public
Forked from naganandy/graph-based-deep-learning-literaturelinks to conference publications in graph-based deep learning
coma Public
Pytorch reproduction of the paper "Generating 3D faces using Convolutional Mesh Autoencoders (CoMA)" (ECCV 2018)
FeaStNet Public
Pytorch reproduction of the paper "FeaStNet: Feature-Steered Graph Convolutions for 3D Shape Analysis" (CVPR 18)
MoNet Public
Pytorch reproduction of the paper "Gaussian Mixture Model Convolutional Networks" (CVPR 17)
pytorch_geometric Public
Forked from pyg-team/pytorch_geometricGeometric Deep Learning Extension Library for PyTorch