- Rock vs Mine Prediction
Logistic Regression | predict rock or mine based on sonar data
- Diabetes Prediction
Support Vector Machine | predict a person has diabetes or not based on female health dataset that comprises Pregnencies, Glouse, BloodPressure, Insulin, BMI, Age etc.
- House Price Prediction
XGBoost Regressor | predict house prices based on The Boston housing prices dataset which contains Tax, Age etc.
- Fake News Prediction
NLP, NLTK, Tfidf, Logistic Regression | predict fake news based on author and title.
- Loan Status Prediction
Support Vector Machine, Matplotlib, Seaborn (Count Plot) | predict wheather a loan is approved or not based on applicant income, loan amount, credit history, education etc.
- Wine Quality Prediction
Random Forest, Correlation Matrix, Matplotlib, Seaborn (Cat Plot, Bar Plot) | predict wine quality based on different types of acidity, residual sugar, chlorides, pH, alchohol etc.
- Car Price Prediction
Linear Regression, Lasso Regression, Matplotlib (Scatter Plot) | estimate pre owned car prices by analysing present price, kilometers driven, fuel type, transmission etc.
- Gold Price Prediction
Random Forest Regressor, Matplotlib, Seaborn (Heatmap, Distplot/Displot) | predict gold prices from stock value, US oil price, currency pair.
- Breast Cancer Classification
Tensorflow, Keras, Matplotlib, Neural Network | a neural network approach to classify breast cancer.
- Heart Disease Diagnosis
Logistic Regression, Matplotlib, Seaborn(Count Plot, Heatmap), Correlation Matrix | detect heart disease analysing age, sex, cholesterol, etc.
- Handwritten Digits Recongnition
Image Processing, Tensorflow, Keras, Neural Network (ReLU, softmax), Matplotlib | Recognise Hadwritten digits from images.
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