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What if you run your code as "serverless" functions, but on your own Kubernetes cluster?

Even compiled languages like Rust and Typescript, without having to worry about the pipelines (not very useful though).

What is the use case? I don't know yet, but it's fun to play with.

Interesting things to note:

  • You can use configMaps as libraries to share between pods


First cd into the folder of the language you want to use, then:

Create a namespace, an example secret for our function:

kubectl create namespace servernetes
kubectl create secret generic secret-url --from-literal=SECRET_URL= -n servernetes

Apply with kubectl:

kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml -n servernetes


kubectl delete -f manifest.yaml -n servernetes; kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml -n servernetes

Start Port Forward:

kubectl port-forward "svc/servernetes-$(pwd | awk -F'-' '{print $NF}')" 7777:7777 -n servernetes &

Stop Port Forward:

kill $(lsof -t -i:7777)

Port Forward All:

bash ../

Deploy All:

bash ../

Send a test request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "name": "Random Name",
  "age": 30,
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "address": {
    "street": "123 Random St",
    "city": "Random City",
    "zip": "12345"
  "preferences": {
    "likes": ["reading", "coding", "movies"],
    "dislikes": ["noise", "crowds"]

Run Benchmark (make sure that you did pip3 install -r requirements.txt):

python3 100


kubectl delete namespace servernetes
kill $(lsof -t -i:7777)


Some interesting results (keep in mind bad implementation for an API):

$ python3 500
| Port |  Language  | Max Response Time (s) | Min Response Time (s) | Avg Response Time (s) | Total Time (ms) | Total Requests Sent | Total Failed Requests |
| 7778 |   Golang   |         0.0427        |         0.0051        |         0.0174        |     8710.47     |         500         |           0           |
| 7779 |   Python   |         0.0495        |         0.0055        |         0.0180        |     8991.95     |         500         |           0           |
| 7780 |    Rust    |         0.0657        |         0.0052        |         0.0177        |     8830.51     |         500         |           0           |
| 7781 | TypeScript |         0.0441        |         0.0058        |         0.0179        |     8964.82     |         500         |           0           |


  • Fix Zig.
  • Add Ruby.
  • Fix Java.
  • Fix Elixir.
  • Add benchmark for buildtime.
  • Add PHP.