BrachioGraph - arm-writer - is an easy-to-build pen-plotter, driven by a library of simple Python applications.
Tweet Follow @BrachioGraphThe plotter is made of:
- two sticks
- a pen or pencil
- a clothes-peg
- 3 servo motors
- a Raspberry Pi, to drive the servos and run the custom code
- glue
Total cost: ~€14
The software in the BrachioGraph library includes code to :ref:`drive the hardware <start-plotting>` and :ref:`vectorise bit-map images <use-linedraw>`.
.. rst-class:: clearfix row
.. rst-class:: clearfix row
.. rst-class:: clearfix row
.. rst-class:: column column2
Build the machine, install the software, make basic tests
.. rst-class:: column column2
Improve the calibration, process images, visualise plotter behaviour, alternative designs
.. rst-class:: clearfix row
.. rst-class:: column column2
Understanding the mathematics, choosing hardware.
.. rst-class:: column column2
Guide to key classes and functions
.. rst-class:: clearfix row
Why is the documentation structured this way?
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: Get started <get-started/index> How-to guides <how-to/index> Reference <reference/index> Explanation <explanation/index>