- array
- contiguous in memory
- in dynamic arrays, amortized O(1) for appending
- traverse
- most common operation in array
- use Boyer Moore vote algorithm
- can find possible majority element(s)
- first travserse (finding candidate(s))
- if this element is existing candidate, then increment voting count for
- if we do not have enough candidate(s), then add new candidate
- if this element is not a candidate, then decrement each existing voting count and remove candidate(s) if needed
- second traverse (verifying candidate(s))
- calc the frequency of candidate(s)
- filter the final res
- notice: the order of these steps matters
def get_top_k_majority(k): cand_vote = {} for num in nums: if num in cand_vote: cand_vote[num] += 1 elif len(cand_vote) < k: cand_vote[num] = 1 else: for c in list(cand_vote.keys()): cand_vote[c] -= 1 if cand_vote[c] == 0: cand_vote.pop(c) for c in cand_vote.keys(): cand_vote[c] = 0 for num in nums: if num in cand_vote: cand_vote[num] += 1 return [c for c, v in cand_vote.items() if v * (k + 1) > len(nums)]
- use reverse technique
- use two pointers
- if we want to rotate second part of array to front
- reverse whole array (use two pointers)
- reverse new first part (original second part)
- reverse new second part (original first part)
- use circular array
- use mod to get the correct idx to put val
- notice array can also simulate hashmap for counting
- specific range array (cyclic sort)
- array’s elements must be in fixed range (eg. 1 to n)
- cyclic sort is time
, spaceO(1)
- we want to place each number at its "correct" idx
- utilize element-to-index mapping (involves hash's idea) to find the correct idx
''' idx: 0, 1, 2, 3 ..., n-1 val: 1, 2, 3, 4 ..., n '''
- specific range array (cycle detection)
- array’s elements must be in fixed range (eg. 1 to n)
- cycle detection is time
, spaceO(1)
- we want to use two pointers (slow and fast) to traverse the array in a way that mimics a linked list
- utilize element-to-index mapping (involves hash's idea) to find the next element
- build element-to-index edge, so if multi edge go to same node means cycle exists
- cycle starting point's idx is the duplicate number
''' find duplicate nums = [1, 2, 3, 1], val range is 1-3 idx 0, 1, 2, 3 val 1, 2, 3, 1 idx slow 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> '3' fast 0 -> -> 2 -> -> 1 -> -> '3' idx p1 0 -> '1' p2 3 -> '1' 1. (L + P ) * 2 = L + P + Q + P 2. L = Q ↙ 3 ↖ 0 → 1 → 2 '''
- use finite state machine
- when there are only few states/patterns to switch/detect
- we will transits between these finite number of states based on inputs or conditions
- use difference array
- can perform range updating in
''' nums = [-2, 10, 5, 7] diffs = [-2, 12, -5, 2], diffs[i] = nums[i] - nums[i - 1] if add 2 to idx:1-2 ([i, j] range) diffs = [-2, 14, -5, 0], add in idx i and subtract in idx j + 1 by using a var (init 0), and keep adding diffs element, we can resotre nums nums = [-2, 12, 7, 7] '''
- can perform range updating in
Aspect | Prefix Sum | Difference Array | Segment Tree |
Primary Purpose | range sum queries | range updates | range queries, and range updates |
Operation Time | Sum Query: O(1) |
Update: O(1) |
Query: O(logC) or O(logn) ; Update: O(logC) or O(logn) |
Reconstruction | get original array from diff of elements | get original array from prefix sum of elements | N/A |
Use Case | static arrays | cumulative updates | interval-based manipulations |
- count continuous elements
- like 0 or 1 or - 1
- or sometimes we need to convert the original element to 0 or 1 or - 1 for counting
- use Knuth shuffle
- time
, spaceO(1)
- can shuffle array randomly
- traverse from end to start
- each round, randomly choose a element (from first element to current element ) to swap with current element
import random def shuffle(nums): for i in range(len(nums) - 1, - 1, - 1): target_idx = random.randint(0, i) nums[i], nums[target_idx] = nums[target_idx], nums[i] return nums
- time
- use reservoir sampling
- time
, spaceO(1)
- can randomly pick element in unknown size dataset
- if input is too large to store, then use reservoir sampling
- if input is a stream, then use reservoir sampling
- first element is 1/1 to be res
- second element is 1/2 to be res
- third element is 1/3 to be res
- keep going
- third element is 1/3 to be res
- second element is 1/2 to be res
import random def sampling(nums): stream = 0 res = None for num in nums: if 0 == random.randint(0, stream): res = num stream += 1 return res
- time
- simulation
- involve mimicking or modeling the behavior of some processes
- use swap
- can achieve certain order for array
- maintain array's range dynamically
- use pointers
- array start
- cur visit
- array end
- use pointers
- pre-process the array
- for handling the edge cases
- line sweep
- we focus on the interval’s start or end
- because that is the changing point
- elements can be interval based (eg. [start, end]) or event based (eg. [start, 1], [end, - 1]). interval based is more straightforward
- can solve interval problem
- can sort the intervals as pre-processing
- notice the sort’s key
- sorting can simplify the relationship between two intervals
- intervals’ relation
''' 1. overlap - A meets B: AAAAA (depends, can seem as non overlap) BBBBB - A overlaps B: AAAAA BBBBB - A starts B: AAAAA BBBBBBBBBB - A equals B: AAAAA BBBBB - A finished by B: AAAAAAAAAA BBBBB - A contains B: AAAAAAAAAA BBBBB 2. non overlap - A before B: AAAAA BBBBB '''
- we focus on the interval’s start or end
- compare two intervals each round
- can use sort as pre-processing (for input)
- simplify the relation types of two intervals
- sometimes can use greedy’s idea
- to determine the key of sort
- to determine the current best choice (how to deal with overlapping intervals)
- if two intervals belongs to two sequences of intervals instead of same sequence
- we can use two pointers to track them
- make sure to sort them if needed
- use greedy’s idea to decide how to move pointer
- we can combine two sequences into single sequence by sorting or heap
- inside this sequence, elements can be interval based (eg. [start, end]) or event based (eg. [start, 1], [end, - 1])
- notice: if we use event based element, then we do not need to compare two intervals each round. we will traverse and use an additional var to record the cur status
- inside this sequence, elements can be interval based (eg. [start, end]) or event based (eg. [start, 1], [end, - 1])
- we can use two pointers to track them
- can use sort as pre-processing (for input)
- use heap to store previous intervals’ states
- can use sort as pre-processing (for input)
- this approach contains greedy’s idea
- the element/state in heap is a tuple and store info we need
prefix sum
# init prefix = [0 for _ in range(len(nums) + 1)] total = 0 for i, num in enumerate(nums): total += num prefix[i + 1] = total # idx: 0 1 2 3 4 nums = [3, 2, 3, 1] prefix = [0, 3, 5, 8, 9] # length is len(nums) + 1 # if we want subarray left idx: 2 and right idx: 3 (inclusive)'s prefix # use right idx + 1 - left idx prefix[3 + 1] - prefix[2]
- subarray problem related
- use list to store
- prefix sum of num
- prefix product of num
- prefix sum of sth
- this some thing usually depends on the problem, and need certain abstract transition
- if array only contain two values, can think about modifying element
- like change them into 1 and - 1, then we can get their freq in prefix sum
- use standard prefix sum
- prefix sum list’s length is n + 1 or n (depends)
- use hashmap to validate the gap subarray
- combine prefix sum and hashmap can help to find out the valid subarray
- hashmap (depends, can also use set or even sorted dict)
- key is prefix sum or sth derived from prefix sum
- value can be idx or count (depends)
- we might need an init key-value pair to put into the hashmap
- if we are searching a closest target instead of a fixed target
- then we should use SortedDict
- method eg.
- method eg.
- then we should use SortedDict
sliding window
# standard left = 0 for right in range(len(nums)): UPDATE_STATES # due to right ptr is moving while INVALID: UPDATE_STATES # due to left ptr is going to move left += 1 if VALID: RECORD # record cur best res # type II left = 0 for right in range(len(nums)): UPDATE_STATES # due to right ptr is moving while VALID: RECORD # record cur best res UPDATE_STATES # due to left ptr is going to move left += 1
- subarray related problem can think about sliding window
- the idea of sliding window is we believe the best result can get from certain window
- so we keep moving/generating window, maintaining it valid, and recording the current best result
- left and right pointers
- these two pointers define the window’s range (inclusive)
- important elements
- update states, maintain valid, record result
- notice order of these three elements can be arranged depends on the problem
- update states, maintain valid, record result
- maintain valid’s tip
- the valid factors could include
- size
- char’s frequency
- unique char’s count
- sum of the current window
- when we can not find the clear way to validate (2 constraints or more)
- we should consider enumerate sth or let sth fixed or sort sth
- this means we deduct and control 1 factor
- notice: sorting should not apply on source array directly in sliding window pattern
- we should consider enumerate sth or let sth fixed or sort sth
- the valid factors could include
- use standard sliding window
- size is fixed or want to get max size of window
- use shrink type sliding window
- want to get min size of window
- two pointers same direction
- left and right pointers
- use left ptr to record
- left ptr can seems as a slow ptr
- find next permutation
- find first relative small (left neighbor < cur element) num a in right side (if can not find a, then we are already in the largest permutation)
- find first relative large num b (to that relative small num a) in right side
- swap a and b
- let second half subarray (after that swap idx (b's new idx)) become monotonic increasing (reverse them)
''' val : 137531 step 1: num a: 3 (idx 1) step 2: num b: 5 (idx 3) step 3: swap: 157331 step 4: res: 151337 '''
- traverse two sequences
two pointers opposite direction
- use shrink type
- could use the attribute of sorted order
- if not sorted
- we should greedily think move which side’s ptr will be the current best choice
- or consider which side’s ptr’s result is already the final result
- record it if need, then move this side’s ptr
- or the both side shrink together
- sometimes can use when we want to reverse array
- use expand type
- A stable sorting algorithm means that when two elements have the same value, their relative order is maintained
- An in-place sorting algorithm means that the algorithm does not use additional data structure to hold temporary data
- Python uses Timsort, which uses merge sort for larger data and insertion sort for smaller data (overall time
, spaceO(n)
) - merge sort
- involve divide and conquer’s idea
class Solution: def sortArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]: def merge_sort(nums): n = len(nums) if n <= 1: return nums m = n // 2 left_part = merge_sort(nums[: m]) right_part = merge_sort(nums[m:]) res = [] left, right = 0, 0 while left < m or right < n - m: if left == m: res.append(right_part[right]) right += 1 elif right == n - m: res.append(left_part[left]) left += 1 elif left_part[left] <= right_part[right]: res.append(left_part[left]) left += 1 else: res.append(right_part[right]) right += 1 return res return merge_sort(nums) # time O(nlogn), logn recursion layers and each layer costs O(n) # space O(n), due to new list, recursion stack is O(logn) # using merge sort # stable
- quick sort and quick select
- involve divide and conquer’s idea
import random class Solution: def sortArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]: def quick_sort(left, right): if left >= right: return pivot_idx = random.randint(left, right) pivot_val = nums[pivot_idx] nums[right], nums[pivot_idx] = nums[pivot_idx], nums[right] partition_idx = left for i in range(left, right): if nums[i] < pivot_val: nums[i], nums[partition_idx] = nums[partition_idx], nums[i] partition_idx += 1 nums[right], nums[partition_idx] = nums[partition_idx], nums[right] quick_sort(left, partition_idx - 1) quick_sort(partition_idx + 1, right) return quick_sort(0, len(nums) - 1) return nums # time O(n**2), worst-case happens due to bad pivot choice or nearly sorted array, and the average time is O(nlogn) # space O(n), due to recursion layers, O(logn) in average # using quick sort # unstable import random class Solution: def findKthLargest(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int: def quick_select(left, right): pivot_idx = random.randint(left, right) pivot_val = nums[pivot_idx] nums[right], nums[pivot_idx] = nums[pivot_idx], nums[right] partition_idx = left for i in range(left, right): if nums[i] < pivot_val: nums[i], nums[partition_idx] = nums[partition_idx], nums[i] partition_idx += 1 nums[right], nums[partition_idx] = nums[partition_idx], nums[right] return partition_idx left, right = 0, len(nums) - 1 while left <= right: idx = quick_select(left, right) if idx == len(nums) - k: return nums[idx] elif idx > len(nums) - k: right = idx - 1 else: left = idx + 1 return None # time O(n**2) in worst, O(n) in average # space O(1) # using quick select
- bucket sort
class Solution: def sortArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]: min_num = min(nums) max_num = max(nums) buckets = [0 for _ in range(max_num - min_num + 1)] for num in nums: buckets[num - min_num] += 1 res = [] for i, b in enumerate(buckets): if b: res.extend([i + min_num for _ in range(b)]) return res # time O(n+b) # space O(n+b) # using bucket sort
- use self defined sort
- merge sort
- quick sort
- top k problem (based on sort)
- heap
, use heap (size k)O(n + klogn)
, use heap (size n)
- quick select
for average andO(n**2)
for worst
- bucket sort
, bucket (size b)
- heap
- use bucket sort
, bucket (size b)- involve counting’s idea
- bucket can contain
- a value
- or list of elements
- use quick select
for average andO(n**2)
for worst- can use to find kth large number
- like median
- use merge sort
- involve divide and conquer’s idea
- during merging, we can utilize the relationship between left part elements and right part elements