SWiss ARmy Knife - Your everyday clojure toolbelt!
This library contains functionality that you might need every single day as a happy clojure(script) developer.
The aim is to provide composable functions that you can use everyday, but are just not as trivial as (some (comp #{42} :answer) answers)
Most functionality should work in both Clojure and Clojurescript.
Add this dependency to the :deps map in deps.edn:
org.clojars.stanv/swark {:mvn/version "0.1.5"}
Require swark.core in your ns form:
(:require [swark.core :as swark])
Then you can use the Swark utility functions:
(swark/key-by :id [{:id 1} {:id 2}]) => {1 {:id 1} 2 {:id 2}}
(swark/map-vals count {:a [:b :c] :d [:e]}) => {:a 2 :d 1}
(swark/jab / 10 0) => nil
: Returns a map where all items are keyed by the result of calling (f item)map-vals
: Returns a map where f is applied to all the input map's values.filter-keys
: Returns a map containing only the map-entries whose key returns logical true when supplied to a predicate
: Returns a map containing only those map-entries whose key's namespace is equal to the supplied namespace.jab
: Try and fail silently, returning nil when any kind of error or exception is thrown.->str
: Returns input coerced to a (trimmed) string. Support (namesapced) keywords etc.unid
: Return a unique id string.->keyword
: Returns input coerced to a keyword, replacing whitespace with dashes.invalid-map?
: Minimalistic spec checker, returns logical true if the input does not respect the spec-map. Spec map is simply a map with predicates as vals.valid-map?
: Complement of invalid-map?memoir
: Like memoize, but with flushing. Flush the complete cache, or specific parts.
Atomic authorization. Generate a token for a map, in conjunction with a password and optional secret. And of course check if it matches.
: Returns a map item with a hashed token in it's metadata.check
: Checks the password (and optional secret) given a map item.disclose
: Returns map item with it's token associated with ::authom/token. Useful for serializing the hashed token.conceal
: Returns the map item with it's token moved to it's metadata. Useful for parsing a persisted record.
: Creates a new instance of the in-memory implementationCsv.
: Creates a new instance the implementation of the csv backendmake-connection
: Starts an atomic interface connection for a database.upsert-items
: Creates or updates items in the databasefind-by-entity
: Returns one database record found by its entity e.g.[:user/id 123]
: Returns database records found by its primary key e.g.#{:user/id}
: Returns all (filtered) records from the databasearchive-items
: Marks items as archived
: Returns a map with in- and output async channels to provide atomic interactions for side-effecting functionality.put!
: Puts an instruction on the atomic's input channel, blocks and returns the response.close!
: Closes the atomic's channels and stops the internal go-loop.
Note: Cedric's CSV implementation is currently clj only! In cljs you can actually use the in-memory implementation (see swark.cedric/Mem)
Let's say you want to store a user record, some credentials and check their credentials. You can use swark.cedric for the persistence part, and swark.authom for the authentication part.
- Let's create/connect to a database via the Csv implementation and store db props related to users.
(ns my.ns
(:require [swark.authom :as authom]
[swark.cedric :as cedric]
[swark.core :as swark])
(:import [swark.cedric Csv]))
(def DB (cedric/Csv. "/tmp/db.csv"))
(def PROPS (merge authom/CEDRIC-PROPS {:primary-key :user/id}))
- Create a new user record with
(def USER (-> DB (cedric/upsert-items PROPS [{:user/name "Readme User"}]) first))
- Store credentials (generated with
) by upserting the user withcedric/upsert-items
(let [user (authom/with-token USER :user/id "pass" "SECRET")]
(cedric/upsert-items DB PROPS [user]))
- Retrieve the user with
and check their credentials withauthom/check
(let [user (-> DB (cedric/find-by-primary-key #{:user/id} {:where (comp #{"Readme User"} :user/name)}) first)]
(-> user (authom/check :user/id "pass" "SECRET") assert))
- Since the csv file might change in the mean while, it is advised to execute all db actions as an asynchronous transaction. You can make use of
like so:
(let [{::cedric/keys [transact! close!]} (-> "/tmp/db.csv" cedric/Csv. cedric/make-connection)]
(transact! cedric/upsert-items {:primary-key :id} [{:test "data"} {:more "testdata" :something 123}]) ; Returns the upserted items.
(transact! cedric/read-items {}) ; Returns all items read.
(close!)) ; Don't forget to close the async connection.
Run the tests with clojure -X:test/run
Start a repl simply by running clojure -M:repl/basic
command in your terminal.
You can connect your editor via nrepl afterwards, e.g. from emacs; cider-connect-clj
Or create a repl from your editor, e.g. from emacs; cider-jack-in-clj
Create an uberjar with clj -X:uberjar :jar swark-0.1.5.jar
Install Swark locally with clj -X:install
env CLOJARS_USERNAME=username CLOJARS_PASSWORD=clojars-token clj -X:deploy
Swark by Stan Verberkt is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal