An index & manager of Onedrive based on serverless. Can be deployed to Heroku/Glitch/Vercel/Replit/SCF/FG/FC/CFC/PHP web hosting/VPS.
Image Hosting solution, Flickr/imgur alternative, make it easy for users to share their images. Using Cloudflare Pages and Telegraph.
猫步简历 – 一款开源免费的简历制作神器,支持导出超高清PDF、图片、源码级JSON数据等,AI简历生成、AI润色、AI语种翻译等。提供海量在线制作模版、主题任意切换、高度定制化的简历模块。使用猫步简历,您可以制作出一份独特、优美、专业的求职简历。
基于 Go 的文件分享工具,仅单可执行文件,开箱即用,内置图床和视频播放页面. File sharing tool based on Go.
Pure Javascript ChatGPT demo based on OpenAI API
Rails c&c web application for spying Android devices
Upload video clips to a free image hosting service
gouguoyin / chatgpt-web
Forked from Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web使用 express 和 vue3 搭建的 GPT-3 模型演示网页
Build a free image hosting with Telegraph
Node.JS simple server to upload and download files
ChengZ996 / MyIP
Forked from nb5p/MyIP🌏 An alternative service. Based on SukkaW/MyIP (MIT)