Elm Architecture 在Android上的实现.
Elm 自带了一个Virtual Dom实现,所以View是声明式的。Virtual Dom在Android/Java技术栈中并没有非常好的对应实现。 但是View 只是Elm Arch的一个组成部分,没有Virtual Dom实现并不会影响Elm Arch的核心思路。
本项目使用EAndroid/Java 技术栈实现了Elm架构。
- Elm Arch
- 基于xml布局 + 代码绑定实现声明式UI
实现一个Elm Architecture +1 -1 Button的demo
public class Number implements Demo {
private static final String INC = "inc";
private static final String DEC = "dec";
// main
public View main(Context context) {
final View root = View.inflate(context, R.layout.elm_number, null);
Elms.construct(context, initUpdate(), 0, initView(root));
return root;
// update
private Elm.Update<Integer> initUpdate() {
final CompoundUpdate<Integer> update = new CompoundUpdate<>();
update.add(INC, (action, param, old) -> old + 1);
update.add(DEC, (action, param, old) -> old - 1);
return update;
// view
private ReactiveViewFactory<Integer> initView(View root) {
return (context, elm, bind) -> {
final Bind<Integer> $ = new Bind<>(bind);
final View inc = root.findViewById(R.id.add_1);
inc.setOnClickListener(v -> elm.send(INC));
final View dec = root.findViewById(R.id.minus_1);
dec.setOnClickListener(v -> elm.send(DEC));
final TextView number = root.findViewById(R.id.number);
$.text(number, this::strOfInt);
private String strOfInt(Integer v) {
return String.valueOf(v);
public class Forms implements Demo {
static final String OK = "OK";
// main
public View main(Context context) {
final View root = View.inflate(context, R.layout.elm_forms, null);
Elms.construct(context, initUpdate(), new Form(), initView(root));
return root;
// model
static class Form {
String name = "";
String password = "";
String passwordAgain = "";
String status = OK;
// update
private static final String KEY_NAME = "NAME";
private static final String KEY_PASSWORD = "PASSWORD";
private static final String KEY_AGAIN = "AGAIN";
private Elm.Update<Form> initUpdate() {
final CompoundUpdate<Form> update = new CompoundUpdate<>();
update.add(KEY_NAME, (MutableUpdate<Form>) (action, param, model) -> model.name = ((String) param));
update.add(KEY_PASSWORD, (MutableUpdate<Form>) (action, param, model) -> model.password = ((String) param));
update.add(KEY_AGAIN, (MutableUpdate<Form>) (action, param, model) -> {
model.passwordAgain = ((String) param);
model.status = model.password.equals(model.passwordAgain) ? OK : "PASSWORD DO NOT MATCH";
return update;
// view
private ReactiveViewFactory<Form> initView(View root) {
return (context, elm, bind) -> {
EditText name = root.findViewById(R.id.input_name);
name.addTextChangedListener(new SimpleTextWatcher() {
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
elm.send(KEY_NAME, s.toString());
EditText password = root.findViewById(R.id.input_password);
password.addTextChangedListener(new SimpleTextWatcher() {
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
elm.send(KEY_PASSWORD, s.toString());
EditText again = root.findViewById(R.id.input_password_again);
again.addTextChangedListener(new SimpleTextWatcher() {
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
elm.send(KEY_AGAIN, s.toString());
final Bind<Form> $ = new Bind<>(bind);
TextView status = root.findViewById(R.id.text);
$.text(status, form -> form.status);
$.textColor(status, form -> OK.equalsIgnoreCase(form.status) ? Color.GREEN : Color.RED);
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.weixinfree:AndElm:Tag'