Mappy provides a convenient interface to minimap2, a fast and accurate C program to align genomic and transcribe nucleotide sequences.
Mappy depends on zlib. It can be installed with pip:
pip install --user mappy
or from the minimap2 github repo (Cython required):
git clone
cd minimap2
python install
The following Python script demonstrates the key functionality of mappy:
import mappy as mp
a = mp.Aligner("test/MT-human.fa") # load or build index
if not a: raise Exception("ERROR: failed to load/build index")
s = a.seq("MT_human", 100, 200) # retrieve a subsequence from the index
print(mp.revcomp(s)) # reverse complement
for name, seq, qual in mp.fastx_read("test/MT-orang.fa"): # read a fasta/q sequence
for hit in # traverse alignments
print("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format(hit.ctg, hit.r_st, hit.r_en, hit.cigar_str))
Mappy implements two classes and two global function.
mappy.Aligner(fn_idx_in=None, preset=None, ...)
This constructor accepts the following arguments:
- fn_idx_in: index or sequence file name. Minimap2 automatically tests the file type. If a sequence file is provided, minimap2 builds an index. The sequence file can be optionally gzip'd. This option has no effect if seq is set.
- seq: a single sequence to index. The sequence name will be set to
. - preset: minimap2 preset. Currently, minimap2 supports the following presets: sr for single-end short reads; map-pb for PacBio read-to-reference mapping; map-ont for Oxford Nanopore read mapping; splice for long-read spliced alignment; asm5 for assembly-to-assembly alignment; asm10 for full genome alignment of closely related species. Note that the Python module does not support all-vs-all read overlapping.
- k: k-mer length, no larger than 28
- w: minimizer window size, no larger than 255
- min_cnt: mininum number of minimizers on a chain
- min_chain_score: minimum chaing score
- bw: chaining and alignment band width
- best_n: max number of alignments to return
- n_threads: number of indexing threads; 3 by default
- extra_flags: additional flags defined in minimap.h
- fn_idx_out: name of file to which the index is written. This parameter has no effect if seq is set.
- scoring: scoring system. It is a tuple/list consisting of 4, 6 or 7 positive integers. The first 4 elements specify match scoring, mismatch penalty, gap open and gap extension penalty. The 5th and 6th elements, if present, set long-gap open and long-gap extension penalty. The 7th sets a mismatch penalty involving ambiguous bases., seq2=None, cs=False, MD=False)
This method aligns seq
against the index. It is a generator, yielding
a series of mappy.Alignment
objects. If seq2
is present, mappy
performs paired-end alignment, assuming the two ends are in the FR orientation.
Alignments of the two ends can be distinguished by the read_num
(see Class mappy.Alignment below). Argument cs
asks mappy to generate
the cs
tag; MD
is similar. These two arguments might slightly
degrade performance and are not enabled by default.
mappy.Aligner.seq(name, start=0, end=0x7fffffff)
This method retrieves a (sub)sequence from the index and returns it as a Python
string. None
is returned if name
is not present in the index or
the start/end coordinates are invalid.
This property gives the array of sequence names in the index.
This class describes an alignment. An object of this class has the following properties:
- ctg: name of the reference sequence the query is mapped to
- ctg_len: total length of the reference sequence
- r_st and r_en: start and end positions on the reference
- q_st and q_en: start and end positions on the query
- strand: +1 if on the forward strand; -1 if on the reverse strand
- mapq: mapping quality
- blen: length of the alignment, including both alignment matches and gaps but excluding ambiguous bases.
- mlen: length of the matching bases in the alignment, excluding ambiguous base matches.
- NM: number of mismatches, gaps and ambiguous positions in the alignment
- trans_strand: transcript strand. +1 if on the forward strand; -1 if on the reverse strand; 0 if unknown
- is_primary: if the alignment is primary (typically the best and the first to generate)
- read_num: read number that the alignment corresponds to; 1 for the first read and 2 for the second read
- cigar_str: CIGAR string
- cigar: CIGAR returned as an array of shape
. The two numbers give the length and the operator of each CIGAR operation. - MD: the
tag as in the SAM format. It is an empty string unless theMD
argument is applied when
. - cs: the
An Alignment
object can be converted to a string with str()
the following format:
q_st q_en strand ctg ctg_len r_st r_en mlen blen mapq cg:Z:cigar_str
It is effectively the PAF format without the QueryName and QueryLength columns (the first two columns in PAF).
mappy.fastx_read(fn, read_comment=False)
This generator function opens a FASTA/FASTQ file and yields a
tuple for each sequence entry. The input file may be
optionally gzip'd. If read_comment
is True, this generator yields
a (name,seq,qual,comment)
tuple instead.
Return the reverse complement of DNA string seq
. This function
recognizes IUB code and preserves the letter cases. Uracil U
complemented to A