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  • China
  • 16:36 (UTC +08:00)

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beifengtz tzfun

Netease 中国四川

JetBrains JetBrains
JetBrains Open Source

Czech Republic

Alibaba alibaba
Alibaba Open Source

Hangzhou, China

FRE123 fre123-com


夜法之书(appotry) appotry
Linux Device Driver, Embeded Linux, etc
Fastly fastly
Powering the best of the internet
Homebrew Homebrew
The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)


halfrost halfrost
CS master @Stanford 💪 天道酬勤,勤能补拙。博观而约取,厚积而薄发。Gopher / Rustacean / Kubernetes / Cloud Native / Machine Learning / DeFi Smart Contract

@Kubeflow @CNCF [California, Singapore, China]

Probabilistic Data Structures for Redis

LogicTech China

Docker docker
Docker helps developers bring their ideas to life by conquering the complexity of app development.

San Francisco, CA

go-zero team zeromicro
Make development easy!
Joe Chen unknwon
Life is magic. Coding is art.


Felix Septem FelixSeptem
I know there are several bugs, and I can fix it in few minutes, but I won't do unless you point it out.


yyz y123456yz

didichuxing/oppo/tencent 成都

Uber Go uber-go
Uber's open source software for Go development

70+ countries and counting.

ChatGLM, GLM-4, CogVLM, CodeGeeX, CogView, ImageReward, CogVideoX | CogDL, GraphMAE, AMiner | Knowledge Engineering Group (KEG) & Data Mining at Tsinghua

FIT Building, Tsinghua University

Mu Li mli

Boson AI Palo Alto, CA

OpenIMSDK openimsdk
IM SDK for all platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Web. including C++, Go, iOS, Android, Flutter, React Native, JavaScript, Unity, and UniApp

Hong Kong

钝悟 dunwu

China, Nanjing

Go Playgound go-playground
multiple packages, libraries and programs to further the advancement of Go!


bilibili bilibili
bilibili Open Source Task Force

Shanghai, China

Kratos go-kratos
Your ultimate Go microservices framework for the cloud-native era.
Go golang
The Go Programming Language
RoseDB Labs rosedblabs
Provide stable, reliable and fast kv storage.


fengyun.rui rfyiamcool
🌈 march forward courageously ! Happy every day ! 🦀 @rosedblabs @go-redsync @servicemesher @b3log @openimsdk @go-co-op

haha China / BeiJing

roseduan roseduan
Stay hungry, stay foolish.

@apache/cloudberry @rosedblabs @lotusdblabs Shenzhen, China

LotusDB Labs lotusdblabs
Most advanced key-value database written in Go.


CloudWeGo cloudwego
A leading practice for building enterprise-class cloud native architectures!
Uber Open Source uber
Open Source Software at Uber

70+ countries and counting.

Sen Han hnes
Open source developer. He who fights with monsters ;-)

@turingcell Shanghai,China

Iris Series: Visualize Math -- From Arithmetic Basics to Machine Learning Visualize-ML
鸢尾花书:从加减乘除到机器学习; 全套7册。Visualizing Mathematics for Machine Learning. 7 Books. ~6000 vector images. Language: Simplified Chinese 简体中文. Python.
Xinzhao Xu iawia002

Chengdu, China

Christian Deacon gamemann
DevOps engineer with a love for open source! @modcommunity @deaconn-net @bestmods @bestserversio @Packet-Batch

@deaconn-net Mullica Hill, New Jersey, US

煎鱼 eddycjy

Shenzhen, China

maiyang yangwenmai
Gopher, Rustacean, CloudNative, DevOps, Blockchain. Creator of Go 夜读

Shenzhen, China

刘丹冰 aceld
Never love in the past, never mix up in the present, never welcome in the future.


Andy Pan panjf2000
Sidere mens eadem mutato

@gnet-io /dev/null

Xargin cch123
Avatar generated by stable diffusion

Beijing, China, Singapore

HashiCorp hashicorp
Consistent workflows to provision, secure, connect, and run any infrastructure for any application.

San Francisco, CA