All notable changes to Seurat will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- Support for HTO demultiplexing
- Utility functions: TransferIdent, CombineIdent, SplitObject, vector.friendly
- C++ implementation for parts of BuildSNN
- Preliminary parallelization support (regression and JackStraw)
- Support for FItSNE
- MetaDE replaced with metap for combining p-values (MetaDE was removed from CRAN)
- NMF heatmaps replaced (NMF to be archived by CRAN)
- MetaDE replaced with metap for combining p-values (MetaDE was removed from CRAN)
- NMF heatmaps replaced (NMF to be archived by CRAN)
- Multiple alignment functionality with RunMultiCCA and AlignSubspace extended to multiple datasets
- CalcAlignmentScore added to evaluate alignment quality
- MetageneBicorPlot added to guide CC selection
- Change cluster order in DoHeatmap with group.order parameter
- Ability to change plotting order and add a title to DimPlot
- do.clean and subset.raw options for SubsetData
- JoyPlot has been replaced with RidgePlot
- FindClusters is now more robust in making temp files
- MetaDE support for combining p-values in DE testing
- Support for using MAST and DESeq2 packages for differential expression testing in FindMarkers
- Support for multi-modal single-cell data via @assay slot
- Default DE test changed to Wilcoxon rank sum test
- Now available on CRAN
- Updated documentation complete with examples
- Example datasets:
- C++ implementation for parts of FindVariableGenes
- Minor bug fixes
- New method for aligning scRNA-seq datasets
- Significant code restructuring
- New methods for scoring gene expression and cell-cycle phases
- New visualization features (do.hover, do.identify)