This repository contains two module including residual contextual and subpixel convolution network (RC-SPCNet) and post-processing (lifted multicut), developed by Hainan university and Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The code is developed and tested under the following configurations.
• Network
CUDA>=11.0, Python>=3.7, tensorflow-gpu>=1.14.0, keras>=2.2.5
• Lifted multicut
Python>=3.7, nifty, elf, vigra, numpy, imageio, napari
We recommend creating new environments independently.
• Download the repository
• Install the required python environment
• Activate your new environment and run the code
For the post-processing method, we suggest install the package via conda and pip as follow:
conda install -c conda-forge vigra
conda install -c conda-forge nifty
conda install -c conda-forge python-elf
python -m pip install imageio
python -m pip install "napari[all]"
Test Data
The dataset of lifted multicut can be download in:, code:ydlo
How to use (lifted multicut)
Adjust the data path and run the code “”, the result will be saved in the specified path.
This project is built upon some previous projects. Especially, we'd like to thank the contributors of the following github repositories: multicut_pipeline: and elf:
If you meet any problem, please contact the author directly.
Email: [email protected]