Remill is a static binary translator that translates machine code into LLVM bitcode. It translates x86 and amd64 machine code (including AVX and AVX512) into LLVM bitcode.
Please consult the documentation, which describes the goals, design, and inner workings of Remill.
Remill translates machine code, and only machine code, into LLVM bitcode. Remill's translation approach is inspired by dynamic binary translators. Remill translates one basic block of machine code into LLVM bitcode at a time. The translation process defers many decisions to downstream consumers on how the translated bitcode should be interpreted.
Remill was designed with the following goals in mind.
It should be easy to add new instruction implementations. Instruction semantics are implemented using C++. Instruction implementations should be thoroughly tested.
Remill-produced bitcode should achieve the sometimes conflicting goals of maintaining the semantics of the translated machine code and enabling aggressive optimization of the produced bitcode.
Decisions affecting the use of the produced bitcode should be deferred via intrinsics. Remill-produced bitcode should not commit a consumer of that bitcode to one use case.
Remill defers the "implementation" of memory accesses and certain types of control flows to the consumers of the produced bitcode. Deferral in this takes the form of Remill intrinsics.
For example, the __remill_read_memory_8
intrinsic function represents the
action of reading 8 bits of memory. Via this and similar intrinsics, downstream
tools can distinguish between LLVM load
and store
instructions from accesses
to the modelled program's memory. Downstream tools can, of course, implement
memory intrinsics using LLVM's own memory access instructions.
Instruction semantics are implemented using C++, and tested against their native counterparts. Often, the high-level semantics of an instruction are implemented using a C++ function template. This template is then instantiated for each possible encoding of the modelled instruction.
The register state of a machine is represented by a single State
For example, the x86/amd64 state structure is defined in
State.h. State structures are carefully
designed to maintain the following properties.
- They should actively prevent certain compiler optimizations that obscure the semantics of the translated machine code. For example, special tear fields are introduced so as to prevent load and store coalescing, and preserve the semantics that writes to logical units of data remain as such.
- They should have a uniform size across all architecture revisions and
generations. This permits things such as:
- Mixing separately translated bitcode from two binaries, one with and one without AVX support.
- Mixing 32-bit ad 64-bit translated bitcode, or cross-compiling 32-bit and 64-bit bitcode.
- They should accurately describe all register state maintained by the emulated machine.
- It should be easy to convert to/from Remill's state structures and actual machine-derived state.
Remill-produced bitcode has a memory model that includes memory barriers and atomic region. It also explicitly distinguishes loads/stores to the modelled program's memory from loads and stores to "runtime memory."
Remill-produced bitcode can be thought of as an emulator for a program.
Through this lens, the memory used to store a State
structure or any local
variables (alloca
s in LLVM) needed to support the emulation must be treated
as distinct from the modelled program's memory itself. This separation enables
Remill to maintain transparency
with respect to memory accesses.
sudo apt-get install libunwind8 libunwind8-dev
sudo pip install futures
sudo pip install python-magic
First, extract the control-flow graph information from your binary.
CFG=$(./scripts/ $BIN)
This script will tell you where it puts the CFG. For example, it might output something like /tmp/tmp.E3RWcczulG.cfg
Lets assume that /path/to/binary
is a 32-bit ELF file. Now you can do the following:
/path/to/remill/build/cfg_to_bc \
--arch_in=x86 --arch_out=x86 --os_in=linux --os_out=linux \
--bc_in=/path/to/remill/generated/sem_x86.bc --bc_out=$BIN.bc --cfg=$CFG
For 64-bit x86 programs, specificy --arch_in=amd64
. If you intend to run a 32-bit binary as a 64-bit program then specify --arch_in=x86 --arch_out=amd64
. Similar switching can be done for the OS. The --bc_in
flag also needs to be changes to point at the AMD64 semantics bitcode file. For example, sem_amd64.bc
. If your lifted code uses AVX, then you can use sem_amd64_avx.bc
Note: This arch/OS switching only affects the ABI used by the bitcode, and how instructions are decoded. The translator itself has no other concept of arch/OS types. It is up to the next tool in the pipeline to implement the desired behavior.
Note: Always use absolute paths when specifying files to Remill. I have no patience for handling paths in a 100% correct, generic way in C++. To that end, users of the tool should make it as easy as possible for Remill to do the right thing.
There are a few ways to optimize the produced bitcode. The first is to tell remill to perform a data flow analysis and to try to kill things like dead registers.
The data flow analyzer is enabled by specifying a maximum number of data flow analysis iterations to perform. By default, the maximum number is 0
(disabled). For a comprehensive analysis, specify a large number, e.g.:
/path/to/remill/build/cfg_to_bc ... --max_dataflow_analysis_iterations=99999 ...
In order to maintain correctness, the data-flow analysis is conservative. However, if all code is avaiable for analysis within the CFG file, then a more agressive analysis can be performed. This analysis will try to propagate data flow information across function returns, for instance. It is enabled with the --aggressive_dataflow_analysis
Once bitcode has been produced, it can be optimized using the remill-specific LLVM optimization plugin. The following will produce optimized bitcode in a file named by $OPT
OPT=$(./scripts/ $BIN.bc)
To recompile the code, run ./scripts/
. Ideally, you should install the concurrent.futures
package to make the build faster, though it is not required. If you want to see what the build script is doing to compile the code, then run the following:
./scripts/ --debug --num_workers 1 --stop_on_error
To recompile the semantics (if you add an instruction) then run ./scripts/
. If you want to test your new semantics, then also recompile the code using the above command.
If you make any changes to the register machine State
structure, then before recompiling, run the script ./scripts/
. This produces an assembly source code file used by the unit tests for marshaling the machine state to/from the State
Remill depends on and redistributes Intel XED, the highest-quality x86 instruction encoder and decoder. XED is licensed under the What If pre-release license. A copy of this license can be found here.
Remill depends on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure. A copy of this license can be found here.
Remill depends on IDA Pro to accurately disassemble program binaries.
An alternative to IDA Pro is Binary Ninja. Remill can use Binary Ninja to accurately disassemble program binaries.