1、Add the functions to generate datas for text detection and recognition at the same time!
2、Also add functions to generate Chinese and english or other langs with varying length!
3、Add the function of vertical texts generation!
python main.py --strict --direction vertical
The direction is to confirm which texts direction you want to generate, the default value is horizonal.
corresponding lables: 542,257,665,257,665,270,542,270,Riders of Rohan in gt_img_1.txt in img directory. corresponding lables: 645,6,666,6,666,396,645,396,有恐怖的感受,那就大大地增 in gt_img_2.txt in img directory.1、Add multi sentences with one or more langs in one pic.
2、Add curve and multi directions texts in one pic.
Generate text images for training deep learning OCR model (e.g. CRNN). Support both latin and non-latin text.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- python 3.5+
Install dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
By default, simply run python3 main.py
will generate 20 text images
and a labels.txt file in output/default/
Please run
python3 main.py --help
to see all optional arguments and their meanings. And put your own data in corresponding folder. -
Config text effects and fraction in
file(or create a new config file and use it by--config_file
option), here are some examples:
- Run
For no-latin language(e.g Chinese), it's very common that some fonts only support limited chars. In this case, you will get bad results like these:
Select fonts that support all chars in --chars_file
is annoying.
Run main.py
with --strict
option, renderer will retry get text from
corpus during generate processing until all chars are supported by a font.
You can use check_font.py
script to check how many chars your font not support in --chars_file
python3 tools/check_font.py
checking font ./data/fonts/eng/Hack-Regular.ttf
chars not supported(4971):
['第', '朱', '广', '沪', '联', '自', '治', '县', '驼', '身', '进', '行', '纳', '税', '防', '火', '墙', '掏', '心', '内', '容', '万', '警','钟', '上', '了', '解'...]
0 fonts support all chars(5071) in ./data/chars/chn.txt:
If you want to use GPU to make generate image faster, first compile opencv with CUDA. Compiling OpenCV with CUDA support
Then build Cython part, and add --gpu
option when run main.py
cd libs/gpu
python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace
Run python3 main.py --debug
will save images with extract information.
You can see how perspectiveTransform works and all bounding/rotated boxes.