Fixstars Corp. / Fixstars Amplify Corp.
- Tokyo, Japan
(UTC +09:00)
Parse linter output and convert it to GitLab Code Quality report.
A Bash-based web file browser. Allowing you to browse, view and transfer files via your web browser.
Cross-platform GPU smart pointer with C++20 range support
CMake C++/CUDA multi-platform template for Visual Studio Code
Moralerspace は、欧文フォント Monaspace と日本語フォント IBM Plex Sans JP 等を合成したプログラミング向けフォントです。
Compile-time reflection for C++ to get field names and types from a struct/class.
Mintty as a terminal for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows / WSL
A guide to understand the importance of commit messages and how to write them well
Amplify benchmark viewer is a viewer for the Amplify benchmark data.
Benchmark framework for quantum annealing machines, Ising machines, and mathematical optimization solvers.
A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
A clean customizable documentation theme for Sphinx
Ultra-fast and intuitive C++ JSON reader/writer with yyjson backend
A C++17 cross-platform implementation for UUIDs
measurement-based quantum computing (MBQC) compiler and simulator
nanobind: tiny and efficient C++/Python bindings
BS::thread_pool: a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool library
The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20/23 single-header testing framework
Run ruff, isort, pyupgrade, mypy, pylint, flake8, and more on Jupyter Notebooks