Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection
机器人视觉 移动机器人 VS-SLAM ORB-SLAM2 深度学习目标检测 yolov3 行为检测 opencv PCL 机器学习 无人驾驶
GNU Radio – the Free and Open Software Radio Ecosystem
Extremely simple yet powerful header-only C++ plotting library built on the popular matplotlib
Cross-platform, Serial Port library written in C++
Open source drivers for the Kinect for Windows v2 device
SuMa++: Efficient LiDAR-based Semantic SLAM (Chen et al IROS 2019)
3DMatch - a 3D ConvNet-based local geometric descriptor for aligning 3D meshes and point clouds.
An asynchronous web framework for C++ built on top of Qt
TARE Exploration Planner for Ground Vehicles
slamplay is a collection of powerful tools to start playing and experimenting with SLAM in C++
Ground-Fusion: A Low-cost Ground SLAM System Robust to Corner Cases (ICRA2024)
An Open Versatile Multi-Camera Visual-Inertial Sensor Suite
Awesome algorithm refactor from 'Algorithm 4th Edition'
Driver for receiving YD LiDAR data and more...
Catkin package that provides lidar motion undistortion based on an external 6DoF pose estimation input.
Repo for HKUST ELEC5660 Course Notes & Lab Tutorial & Project Docker
A graphical user interface designed for trajectory programming by demonstration for UR5 robot.
🏫 Ray Tracing project from 3rd year university projects