Tsinghua University EE Department
- Beijing
BP+OSD: Belief propagation with ordered statistics post-processing for decoding quantum LDPC codes
A LaTeX beamer theme template for Tsinghua students.
Tools for constructing and analyzing quantum low density parity check (qLDPC) codes.
collection of super-resolution models & algorithms
Code for ECCV 2024 Paper "Motion-Guided Latent Diffusion for Temporally Consistent Real-world Video Super-resolution"
[CVPR 2019] Learning Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
Neural network decoder for large distance toric code
The Quantum REcurrent Neural Network Decoder (QRENND).
qecsim is a Python 3 package for simulating quantum error correction using stabilizer codes.
Neural Network Decoders for Quantum Error Correcting Codes
FPGA implementation of distributed union find algorithm
PyMatching: A Python/C++ library for decoding quantum error correcting codes with minimum-weight perfect matching.
Cyber-Mind: Robotic Control System Based on ChatGLM
An implementation of the belief-matching decoder
Forward-Looking Active REtrieval-augmented generation (FLARE)
Repository holding the code base to AC-SpGEMM : "Adaptive Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on the GPU"
Out-of-core graph processing on a single machine.
Stencil computation on Arm architecture (Kunpeng 920)
A parallel programming training mini app simulating weather-like flows