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Convert Vmess, Vless, Trojan URI to JSON file
A generative speech model for daily dialogue.
🚀 支持移动端、支持 SSR、支持直播,可以接入任何流媒体。高性能的弹幕系统。高度可定制,所有图标、主题色等都可以替换,并且提供了内置组件方便二次开发。无第三方运行时依赖。
Top free VPN (ClashX & V2Ray proxy) with subscription links. [免费VPN、免费梯子、免费科学上网、免费订阅链接、免费节点、精选、ClashX & V2Ray 教程]
Xray proxy grabber and checker + JSON and YAML Config - telegram channels
自动同步 mihomo 内核、sing-box 内核、sing-box PuerNya 版内核、Clash dashboard 面板和 AdGuard Home 最新版
U++ is a C++ cross-platform rapid application development framework focused on programmer's productivity. It includes a set of libraries (GUI, SQL, Network etc.), and integrated development environ…
The DirectUI framework is designed for the Windows platform. It supports D3D11 and D2D rendering, and includes dozens of basic components. It also supports the latest cef3 browser. The compiled dll…
这是一款可以播放常见音频格式的音频播放器。支持歌词显示、歌词卡拉OK样式显示、歌词在线下载、歌词编辑、歌曲标签识别、Win10小娜搜索显示歌词、频谱分析、音效设置、任务栏缩略图按钮、主题颜色等功能。 播放内核为BASS音频库(V2.4)。
Skylark Editor is written in C, a high performance text/hex editor. Embedded Database-client/Redis-client/Lua-engine. You can run Lua scripts and SQL files directly.
A cross-platform GUI framework described by XAML, for C/C++
Cross-platform GPU-oriented C++ application/game framework
Win32 OOP version of the WinAPI for creating lightweight Forms in C++
Tiny cross-platform webview library for C/C++. Uses WebKit (GTK/Cocoa) and Edge WebView2 (Windows).
duilib 旗舰版-高分屏、多语言、样式表、资源管理器、异形窗口、窗口阴影、简单动画
A single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library
✨Small interesting GUI effects could be reused everywhere
NovaGUI : Free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies using ImGui from Ocornut and edited for loader or simple application modifications and improvements will arrive little by l…
Template for a C2 GUI coded in C++ using Win32 API