
Installation #

This document walks through the installation of kwokctl and kwok binaries.

Install with Package Manager #

This will install the latest version of kwokctl and kwok binaries.

On Linux/MacOS systems you can install kwok/kwokctl via brew:

brew install kwok

On Windows systems you can install kwok/kwokctl via winget:

winget install --id=Kubernetes.kwok -e
winget install --id=Kubernetes.kwokctl -e

Install with Golang #

Also, you can install kwokctl and kwok binaries via golang.

# KWOK repository
# Get latest
KWOK_LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl "${KWOK_REPO}/releases/latest" | jq -r '.tag_name')

go install{kwok,kwokctl}@${KWOK_LATEST_RELEASE}

Binary Releases #

Or download from github releases page:

Variables preparation #

# KWOK repository
# Get latest
KWOK_LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl "${KWOK_REPO}/releases/latest" | jq -r '.tag_name')

Install kwokctl #

wget -O kwokctl -c "${KWOK_REPO}/releases/download/${KWOK_LATEST_RELEASE}/kwokctl-$(go env GOOS)-$(go env GOARCH)"
chmod +x kwokctl
sudo mv kwokctl /usr/local/bin/kwokctl

Install kwok #

wget -O kwok -c "${KWOK_REPO}/releases/download/${KWOK_LATEST_RELEASE}/kwok-$(go env GOOS)-$(go env GOARCH)"
chmod +x kwok
sudo mv kwok /usr/local/bin/kwok