This file is a faithful representation of a medallion mosaic inside the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls which includes the portraits of all the Popes of the Catholic Church since the 1st century. For almost all of those mosaics, the authors are presumably unknown and the mosaics itself date back to circa 1850 (reconstruction of the basilica under the pontificate of Pius IX). As such they fall in the public domain. See for documentation.
Note: This template should not be used either for the images of those mosaics whose author –and their death date– is known (use {{PD-old}} instead) and for the most recent medallions, as the latter may still be protected by copyright.
This is a faithful photographic reproduction of a two-dimensional, public domain work of art. The work of art itself is in the public domain for the following reason:
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Situs librariae huius operis theoretice incerta est quia, in regione originis, librae 70 annos post mortem auctoris durant, et tempus mortis auctoris (vel identitatis auctoris) ignoratur. Attamen tempus creationis operis ante 120 annos superatum fuit, et ideo rationabilis suppositio est librariae exspirasse (vide hic de communitate disceptationis). Obsecro, hoc noli utere si tempus mortis auctoris notum est.
Note that a few countries have copyright terms longer than 70 years: Mexico has 100 years, Jamaica has 95 years, Colombia has 80 years, and Guatemala and Samoa have 75 years. This image may not be in the public domain in these countries, which moreover do not implement the rule of the shorter term. Honduras has a general copyright term of 75 years, but it does implement the rule of the shorter term. Copyright may extend on works created by French who died for France in World War II (more information), Russians who served in the Eastern Front of World War II (known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia) and posthumously rehabilitated victims of Soviet repressions (more information). Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0falsefalse
The official position taken by the Wikimedia Foundation is that "faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are public domain". This photographic reproduction is therefore also considered to be in the public domain in the United States. In other jurisdictions, re-use of this content may be restricted; see Reuse of PD-Art photographs for details.
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