Clinic: Immigration - Skills

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Meeting information not available

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


Students must register for Law 397C and 397D, for a total of six credits. Clinic students represent low income immigrants before the immigration courts and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) including bond and deportation hearings, asylum applications, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) cases and applications for discretionary relief. Students will interview clients, develop case strategy, prepare witnesses and present cases before the court and the agency. The clinic meets two times per week for an hour and a half. Classroom lectures and discussion focus on substantive immigration law, client interviewing, trial preparation and strategy and review of ongoing cases. The Clinic is located in the Connally Justice Center 1.310 at the Law School. In addition to the classroom component, students should expect to spend 10-20 hours per week on Clinic work, including four office hours per week at the Clinic. Students must be willing to travel to San Antonio for an initial DHS and court tour and for all court hearings and DHS interviews. Many of the Clinic's clients are Spanish speaking. Fluency in Spanish is helpful but not required. Volunteer interpreters are available for non- Spanish speaking students. The Clinic carries six hours of credit. Students are encouraged to apply for the clinic during early registration. Students who wish to register for the clinic must fill out a questionnaire that is available during registration. The application questionnaire should be returned to the clinic's administrator, Eddie Maraboto, at [email protected] Students may request to be placed on a waiting list, if space is unavailable during registration. For more information about the clinic, contact Barbara Hines at 232-1310, or by e-mail at [email protected], or visit the Clinic offices.