Internship: Legislative

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Meeting information not available

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


This course will be taught entirely online via Zoom.

For more information about the Legislative Internship Program, see:

The law school's proximity to the Texas Capitol affords a unique opportunity for law students to gain experience working with legislative lawyers practicing in a number of settings where they participate in the governing process at the state level. Students will learn how legislatures respond to executive activity and judicial decisions, how executives control policy agendas and administrative agencies, and how judges read and interpret governing instruments. Texas has the second-largest population in the United States and its economy would rank 10th in the world if it were an independent country—thus, the work of Texas legislators and state government continues year-round. The Legislative Intership provides students with direct involvement, from a number of institutional perspectives, as state government addresses the important public policy issues of the day.

Students engage in law-related work under the supervision of a legislative lawyer with at least two years’ experience. Students participate in a weekly seminar and conduct between 10-15 hours/week of fieldwork (at least 150 hours over the semester) at an approved placement with a legislator, legislative leader, legislative officer, or legislative service agency. Class meetings will likely be held in the late afternoon/early evening and may be held at the Capitol depending on students' schedules. Course requirements also include academic readings, simulations, in-class exercises, and guest speakers; individual meetings with the instructor are scheduled as necessary during the semester. Students arrange a mutually convenient work schedule with their supervising lawyer.

Applying: An application (available on the program website) and instructor approval are required prior to registration. A list of pre-approved placements (and contacts) are available on the internship course website. Students are also welcome to pursue other placements and to contact Professor Hugh Brady to discuss possible placements. Please review the course page on the internship website. Students who have previously received credit through the Nonprofit or Government Internship courses for an internship are eligible to enroll in this course. Credits: 4 (graded pass/fail)

Textbooks ( * denotes required )

No materials required


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Date Updated
07/21/2020 Instructor(s) updated