[GA4] Transactions report

The Transactions report displays information related to each ecommerce transaction on your website or app. It enables you to analyze transactions in detail, including the purchase completion rate, number of items purchased, and total revenue generated. Learn more about the transaction ID

On this page

View the report

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. From the left menu, select Reports Reports.
  3. On the left, in the Monetization topic of the Life cycle collection or the Drive online sales topic of the Business objectives collection, open the Transactions report.
Note: The Transactions report can also be accessed in the Library for all properties.

Dimensions in the report

The report includes the following dimensions. If you are an Editor or Administrator, you can add or remove dimensions in the report.

Metric What it is How it's populated
Transaction ID An identifier you create for an ecommerce transaction. Learn more about transaction ID. Populate this event-level dimension by sending the event-level transaction_id parameter with an online-sales event.

Metrics in the report

The report includes the following metrics. If you are an Editor or Administrator, you can add or remove metrics in the report.

Metric What it is How it's populated
Ecommerce purchases The number of times users completed a purchase. Populate this metric by sending the purchase event.
Ecommerce purchase quantity The number of units for a purchase event. Populate this metric by sending the quantity parameter at the event level.
Purchase revenue

The sum of revenue from purchases made on your website or app.

Purchase revenue = purchases + in-app purchases + subscriptions - refund

This metric is the sum of the purchase, in_app_purchase, app_store_subscription_renew, and app_store_subscription_convert events minus the refund events.

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