
แม่แบบ:กล่องข้อมูล รัฐสวิส

จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี
Documentation icon คู่มือการใช้งานแม่แบบ[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]


{{Infobox Canton
|thai name = <!-- ชื่อภาษาไทย -->
|short_name            = <!-- English name of the canton without "Canton of" -->
|german_name           = <!-- Short name of the canton in German, used to fetch the map, coat of arms and flag. Use only if different from short_name -->
|local_names           = <!-- Name of the canton in the local language(s) -->
|coa_link              = <!-- Cantonal flag, "File:" is included automatically. Use in case automatic fetching fails -->
|coa_img_path          = <!-- Cantonal flag, "File:" is included automatically. Use in case automatic fetching fails -->
|locatormap_img_path   = <!-- Location map within Switzerland, included automatically if "short_name" is the same as the German language name -->
|lat_deg               = <!-- coordinates, degrees north, e.g. 56.000  -->
|lat_min               = <!-- coordinates, minutes -->
|lon_deg               = <!-- coordinates, degrees east, e.g.  16.999  -->
|lon_min               = <!-- coordinates, minutes -->
|abbr                  = <!-- Two-letter ISO 3166-2 code -->
|capital               = <!-- Cantonal capital city -->
|largest_city          = <!-- Only if different from the capital -->
|area                  = <!-- Area, in km<sup>2</sup>. XXX.XX (no commas or other text) -->
|area_source           = <!-- Rank of area within Switzerland -->
|highest               = <!-- Highest point in the canton -->
|highest_m             = <!-- in m (no commas or other text) -->
|lowest                = <!-- Lowest point in the canton -->
|lowest_m              = <!-- in m (no commas or other text) -->
|since                 = <!-- Year of accession of the canton -->
|languages             = <!-- Official language(s) of the canton, do not include dialects -->
|executive             = <!-- Name of the executive body -->
|executive_members     = <!-- Number of members of the executive -->
|legislative           = <!-- Name of the legislative body -->
|parliament_members    = <!-- Number of members of the legislation -->
|municipalities_number = <!-- Number of municipalities, remove the field for Appenzell Innerrhoden -->
|districts_designation = <!-- Designation of districts in the local language(s), remove the field if the canton has none -->
|districts_number      = <!-- Number of districts, remove the field if the canton has none -->