JAIPUR: The state government will set up open camps in prisons for convicted prisoners, so that they serve their sentence in a more reformative and rehabilitative atmosphere, subject to certain conditions. The provision was made in the
Rajasthan Prisons Bill 2023 uploaded on the website of the
Rajasthan assembly on Wednesday.
Another provision, of creating temporary work camps for convicted prisoners sentenced to less than three years of rigorous imprisonment, is the second big move in the bill.
These camps will provide work opportunities in diverse fields, which are at present limited to certian sectors. Prisoners in the state will undergo vocational training under skill development programmes.
Prisoners will also have the right to write a prescribed number of letters, but jail officials will examine every letter written by a prisoner. “They can ask the prisoner concerned to delete any portion of the letter which, in their opinion, is likely to endanger the security of the State or prison or contains false information about the affairs of the prison,” reads the new provision.
Addressing the problem of mainstreaming prisoners in society after they serve out their term, the bill has the provision of having a separate ward in each prison to prepare them for their new life from 30 days prior to their release.
“It will include counselling, guidance and referral to appropriate Government or Non-government agency,” reads the order.
There is also a provision of a state advisory board on the management of prisons. It is to have 16 members headed by the minister of prisons and having secretaries of education, revenue, law, finance, health departments, etc.