RAIPUR: Only 13 of 300 vaccination centres were functional in Raipur on Tuesday owing to vaccine shortage.
The vaccination officers said that the state received received around 1.24 lakh doses of vaccine on Monday evening, out of which Raipur got 10,000 doses while remaining were distributed among 27 districts. The state has received a confirmation from Centre that around 12 lakh doses will be dispatched in next 15 days.
Though Chhattisgarh chief minister
Bhupesh Baghel had requested the central government to send 1 crore doses of vaccine for July but is expected to receive 14 lakh doses for the month, said health officials.
Hence, due to its shortage several vaccination centres have been closed down in Raipur and on Tuesday vaccination was done in 13 centers including Raipur
AIIMS and Raipur Medical College.
Talking to TOI, state vaccination officers told that state has capacity to vaccine around 4 lakh people in a single day and on June 26 more than 3.5 lakh people were inoclulated. But due to limited supply limitations, the state will have to wait and watch and vaccination will be done in gradual pace. Till Monday, Chhattisgarh has administered 1,06, 02,482 doses out of which 87,23, 568 have received first doses and 18,78, 914 have received second doses. Of these , 91% of healthcare workers have received first dose and 71% have received second dose, 100% of frontline workers have received first and 74% have received second dose, 83% of citizens of 45 plus of age group have received first and 23% have received second dose and last 24 % of people among 18 to 44 years of age group have received first and 0.7% have received second dose in Chhattisgarh.