NEW DELHI: Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) will release the Telangana EdCET Result 2022 today at 4:30 pm. The rank obtained in TS Ed.CET-2022 is valid for entry into B.Ed course for the academic year 2022-23.
The TS EdCET result will be declared on the TS EdCET official website - The TS EdCET-2022 examination was conducted on July 26, 2022, and the result is being today i.e., August 26, 2022, and the preliminary examination 2022 answer key was released on July 30, 2022, and now the result will be announced today.
The TS EdCET preliminary key was released on 30/7/22 and the objections to the preliminary key were received from 31/7/22 to 01/08/22 by
Osmania University.
Once the TS EdCET Result 2022 will be declared, the candidates, who appeared for the examination can check and download their results online on the official website - - through candidate login.
The candidates will be ranked in the order of merit on the basis of marks obtained in TS Ed.CET-2022 through online examination. Where there is a tie in total marks, Subject/content marks will be taken into account to decide relative ranking.
In case candidates get equal marks in each of the parts of the test paper, they shall be bracketed for the purpose of an award of rank.
It may be noted that the Council will not entertain any request for re-totalling or revaluation or personal verification of scripts.