This story is from December 20, 2023

Is the new COVID strain JN.1 causing pneumonia?

This strain of COVID is a novel strain known as the JN.1 variation. This strain from the Omicron variant lineage has modest symptoms but is it just as transmissible as the Omicron form and also causing pneumonia?
Is the new COVID strain JN.1 causing pneumonia?
The features of the virus, your immune system, and individual health problems all play a role in the link between a particular COVID-19 variation and its risk of causing pneumonia or other serious respiratory consequences. Pneumonia is a known side effect of severe instances, regardless of the specific variant of COVID-19 present.

The new COVID strain JN.1

This is a new COVID strain, referred to as the JN.1 variant.
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It is a lineage of the Omicron variant, with a single spike mutation compared to the previous strain, known as the Omicron variant. Initial reports and the scientific community suggest that this strain is as transmissible as the Omicron variant—highly transmissible—but with mild symptoms.

Major symptoms caused by this COVID strain

Dr. Piyush Goel, Consultant Pulmonology at Manipal Hospital, Gurugram, explains, “Usual symptoms include cough, cold, sore throat, hoarseness in voice, and mild fever, which typically last for four to five days, with gradual improvement. In some cases, gastrointestinal infections are also present, but there are very few cases of pneumonia reported.

Instances are coming from Singapore, China, and the USA, with most cases involving immune-suppressed and elderly patients with underlying chronic diseases. There’s no need to be alarmed.”

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The takeaway

The primary concern is the high transmissibility, for which precautions as previously prescribed are essential: When in crowded indoor areas, make sure you wear a respirator or face mask of the highest calibre, such as a N95 or KN95, hand washing on a regular basis is still a crucial preventive measure, get medical help right away if you suffer any COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, coughing, or trouble breathing.
Read also: Infected by COVID-19 in the past 3 waves? Read this
Individuals with diabetes, kidney, lung, and heart diseases should undergo regular checkups, and the only precaution we can take is to avoid parties and ceremonies if we have a higher risk of contracting the disease. Stay informed about any updates regarding the JN.1 variant and heed the advice of health authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

COVID variant JN.1 has minimum symptoms, only 0.5% will require assistance: Health Expert

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