Jan 22, 2025
Did you know keeping fishes as pets can be quite satisfying and calming for some people? If you also wish to have an aquarium at home, here we list some beautiful blue-coloured freshwater fishes one can consider keeping as pets.
Betta fish come in a variety of shades; of them, the blue Betta is particularly stunning. Betta are known for their beautiful, long, flowing fins and tail. They are territorial fishes and so should be kept alone or with peaceful grouping fish in a tank.
Blue Guppies have flowing tails that make them elegant and beautiful. They are easy to take care of and should be kept in atleast a 10 litres tank.
Electric Blue Ram are dwarf cichlids with an glowy, electric blue colour with vibrant patterns. However, people who have some basic idea of caring for fishes should opt for these pets.
Neon Tetras are small, peaceful, schooling fish and they should be kept in a group of six or more. They are known for their distinct neon blue bodies with a red stripe.
Dwarf Gouramis are peaceful fish with a bright blue and orange hue. They can grow upto 2.5 to 3 inches, and are easy to take care of.
Boesemani Rainbowfish have a mix of blue and orange colours; male fishes often have more intense colours. They are moderately easy to take care of and require ample swimming area to thrive.
These African cichlids are known for their bright cobalt blue colouration. However, they should be kept only by skilled fish keepers as they need alkaline water, and plenty of hiding spots to live healthily.
Blue Platys are social fish and they are easy to care for, which makes them ideal for beginners. They have a metallic blue sheen which adds to their beauty.
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